Postpartum check-in Week of March 8th


Hey ladies! How's it going? I have one more week before I go back to work to fill in for my boss for the week. It's kind of exciting, kind of sad. I have such mixed feelings. I plan to workout hard
this week. I"m not sure how I'll be able to squeeze in workouts when I'm at work.

I'm trying to workout a feeding schedule for Justin, so caretaker can stay on rhythm (if this is possible with a 9-week old. So far he pretty much stays on track. If all works out well, she'll only need to give him one bottle/day of work. That'd be awesome. I'm super committed to breastfeeding & I"m hoping it all work out. :)
I"m so blessed to have found a marvelous lady to watch Justin. She's agreed to watch him until school is out (June). She's a grandma, probably in her mid 50's. She doesn't do daycare, she's doing this for a favor. She goes to my church & I've been in several Bible Studies with her. She watches her grandson a lot (he's 18 months old). I'm really excited about this. She's been an answer to my prayers!!

Fitnut, are you out there? I don't think you checked in last week? Wondering how the pumping/nursing is going for you. Also wonder how Tyler is doing. ;-)

Here's my week (lots of fun)
Sun: off
Mon: Step Blast + challenge
Tues: SJP
Wed: BC
Thurs: MIC step (8 inch plateform) + SS
Fri: off --super dooper sore!
Sat: Imax 1 (8 inch plateform) + Step Heat Abs

*I rarely used an 8-in plateform before my pregnancy. During pregnancy I maintained a 6-in plateform. I"m trying to burn more calories this way, it's very challenging. I have about 2 more pounds to lose. My abs are beginning to tighten up. My clothes don't quite fit me as they did prior to pregnancy, but my measurements are almost exactly pre-pregnancy (except my butt is lots smaller).

Next week I think I will try some more Intensity Series with the pre-mixes. I haven't explored this at all yet. Anyone know of a good rotation for these?!?

Here I go, rambling on and on and on and on...
:-D :-D

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everone,
Melanie you should be proud of yourself for doing such a good job breastfeeding. Thats great that you found such a wonderful babysitter, you will do fine going back to work, once you adjust. Sounds like you are doing great weight and bodywise, especially given your c section. There is premix intensity series+others rotation listen, i started it but lost interest. Maggie, where are you?
Alexis has her 6 week check up on monday, I'll let you all know how big (or small) she is then.
Enough babbling by me, here is my workout week:

Sun-Imax extreme
Monday-ME/BC bonus combo
Tues-Franny benedetto- two workouts with a vengeance(hi/lo portion and abs)
Wed-ctx power circuit(circuit and abs)+bodymax step circuit
Thurs-Bodymax-step, upper body and abs
Sat-Hi/lo heaven -interval section(sec. 3) +sec. 3 of step heaven

your workouts look great, and abs starting to tighten up; I'm really jealous at that one! Weight-wise I'm fine, back to pre-preg and actually a little below, but my abs just look and feel awful! My belly has always been my problem area, so I suppose two pregnancies don't help. Now besides the extra skin hanging loose there all the extra fat in my body seems to be stored there. If any of you can recommend any good ab workouts I'd be happy to hear (I have almost all the Cathes)?!

I'm still breast-feeding too (did for almost nine months with my first one), and I think that has helped with the weight too. I hear it burns a lot of calories, more than pregnancy does!

Anyway, enough babble, here's my workout log for last week. I was finally able to get back to pretty normal exercising after hurting my lower back, se here:

mon: off
tue: circuit max
wed: Step Blast + Legs and glutes
thu: Imax2
fri: MIS + Core from BC
sat: Cardio Kicks
sun: c & w + Power hour

Great week for everyone,

Maria, glad your injuries are doing better.
Alexis and I just got back from her 6 month check up. She weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces and measures 23 1/2 inches. She is below the chart now but doctor says she is growing what she should, she is just small.
HI gals! Mel - I am sure you are enjoying your last week! I know I am cherishing every single moment until I go back. Tyler was 7 wks on Friday and I go back in 4 more :( I am going to work from home with him for 1 week in 3 weeks and then back in the office in 4:( I just don't know how I am going to do it! I think it is harder with this one than the 1st?

Maria - I can soooooo relate to the flabby belly :( Mine is the same way and I have a TON Of loose skin. I just really hope it goes away eventually. I also need some ideas for a better ab workout.

Mel - congrats on the breastfeeding still! I ended up stopping last week as my lil' guy was starving and eating 24 hrs a day! We started supplementing and he started growing like mad! Also, I was pumping and getting less than 3oz. so no wonder he was a starvin' marvin'! There was no way I would have enough milk to start savin' up for going back to work. I didn't even have enough for him. I did it for 6 wks so at least he got some:) I miss it a lot but I still feel that I got to bond with him during those 6 wks. I am definitely his favorite ;)

Well, here is my workout for the week. I am still doing Body For Life and seeing good results I guess? I love the eating structure of the program and have been trying to eat really clean. Also, it requires you only do 20 min. of cardio for cardio sessions. I have been adding addtl. cardio on b/c I just can't help it. The BFL program strictly prohibits such but oh well... I have so much fat to lose 20 min. just doesn't do it for me!!!!!

I got into another pair of jeans this weekend that didn't fit a week ago! Yeah! But I still have a good 12-14lbs until I am at pre-preggo wt:( I am still far from my target jeans... will probably be at least another 6 wks:(

Sun - Cathe Legs & Glutes + PUB abs
Mon - Killer Step class at gym
Tues - PUB + ME abs
Wed - Imax Extreme off terminator DVD, (55 min. cardio)
Thurs - PLB
Fri - Kick, PUnch, Crunch
Sat - Rest

Here's to a healthy good week of loving our lil' angels!
Glad to hear from you two again (Fitnut & Maria).

Shopaholic, it looks like your little Alexis is going to be petite? She's so cute. I'm guessing that my little guy is close to 10-lbs already. We have a 2-month check up (already!!) on Wednesday. He looks so solid to me. My other son was real stringy & wirey. Children are so different. He's safely sleeping in his new swing right now.:) My oldest son wouldn't even go in a swing without wailing.

Maria, your workouts are incredible. I don't know how you find the time to get all that into your day. Do you sleep? Your back must be doing well. Don't get too carried may get in the way of recovery. Nice and easy. ;-) I'm sure you know that.

Fitnut, I"m sorry that you had to quit breastfeeding. I breastfeed boy #1 for 6-wks and then went straight to bottle. He had a great start & I was content with that. I feel so blessed that I've been able to keep up... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to continue when I go back to work. I have to fill in for my boss for just the week & then I get 3-more weeks off! It'll be a "trial" week. This morning I fed Justin, then waited about 45-minutes & pumped. I got almost 8 ounces! I hope this is a good sign.

Abdominal flab? I've always had a pouch. My fat concentrates in my belly. It's genetically programed to fit there. However, after I had Justin my tummy was very spongy & loose. After working out for 3 weeks it has almost returned to pre-pregnancy size. I have done ab work every other day for about 10-15 minutes/workout. I've tried to focus on core areas-- Cathe's got lots of good core workouts. This has worked well for me. Tamilee Webb's I WANT THOSE ABS is another excellent workout for abs. Hope this helps.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Yes, Miss Alexis is a petite one. Doctor says she is the size of an average 2 month old, but I am under 5 feet so I am not concerned. Doctor also says she is well proportioned. In terms of ab workouts, cathe is always great but I still like my firm 5 day abs tape, I always feel each of the routines. I got a great compliment today which is suprising since I went to the market in my sweats. The young woman at the service desk, asked if Alexis was mine because I looked so thin. she said she had a 3 year old at home and just recently lost the weight of 60 pounds she gained.
What a great compliment! You must look great. Oh, I like FIRM's 5-day abs too. In my opinion, nobody tops Cathe though. She's unsurpassable. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Cathe's ab workouts are the best,but I do modify much of the core work. It was a great compliment I got , but she did probably think Alexis was much younger. Maggie, emy where are you? Is alexis getting too old for me to be posting on this board?
Alexis is NOT too old. Don't you dare leave this forum!!! I think we're "postpartum" for at least a year, right?
Yes, I do modify core work. It's way too hard for me. It's something to aspire too. :) Only during core work can I push myself to my limits and still not succeed. :) It feels good in a twisted kind of way.
Where are all the ladies? Yew Hew. Where are you?!?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Everyone!

Sorry to just disappear like that--things just got really hectic around here and then we went on vacation. Also, discouraged and demoralized about a severe plateau on my weight loss, I decided to join weight watchers on line, so I was over there trying to figure it out. Still haven't really busted the plateau--I can't figure it out--ate like a pig on vacation and didn't gain at all, but am losing excruciatingly slowlyx(.

Mr. B has two small sharp teeth and is scooting all over the place. He weighs 19lbs and 13 oz as of his 6 month check up today. He is a chubby baby. I'll send pics when I get a moment. Got some good ones--we bought a digital camara and it's been a lot of fun.

Glad to hear that you all are doing well. Ack! I have a lot of catching up to do.

take care
22 down/28 to go
RE: Hi Everyone!

Hi - good to see you here Maggie. We missed you. Thanks for the pictures!

Max is doing really well. He is 6 1/2 months and still exclusively breastfeeding. As mentioned in a previous week's thread, he didn't take well to solids and so I am delaying trying them again. It really is out of convenience for myself and I love nursing him!

I took him to church tonight for an activity. He sat in his stroller the whole time (1.5 hours) and was so good. I got tons of comments on how good he is. I just love him to death. Does anyone else kiss their baby all over their head like constantly?! My husband and I sometimes muse over the fact that we love to kiss him and sometimes it feels like we love him so much we just want to eat him up! Are we funny or nuts!?

I tried running today. I borrowed a neighbor's baby jogger, but it was difficult. Max cried for the entire second half of the run. It could be because the sun was one him (I didn't have a canopy on it), or maybe dust in his eyes... Not to mention the fact that it was hard to run period. I haven't run for 1.5 years, since right before I was pregnant. My ears hurt (weird!) and my pelvis region was uncomfortable, but not painful.
RE: Hi Everyone!

Hi emy,
Thats great the breastfeeding is working out so well for Max. If you decide to retry solids, try oatmeal or stage 1 fruits and veggies they may go over better. Alexis is loving her solids now and started on stage 2 foods, she is a much happier little girl now. In terms of always wanting to kiss Max, my hubby and I give Alexis kisses and just stare at how cute she is all the time. I am not a person who felt my life was incomplete with a child, but I look at her and smile. 6 months old is so nice because they are now real people with personality. I think I have probably said it before I loved Alexis as a newborn , but I was never a lover of newborns. This stage is so much more fun.
RE: Hi Everyone!

Hold on to your hats, Justin is 13 pounds already!!! I can't believe it! I thought those size 1 diapers were getting too snug. He's not listening!! I told him to stay little!!!

He got 5 shots today & is currently sleeping quietly in his swing. I wanted to cry when he got his shots (I cried when Jory got his first shots). I handled things well though.

Emy, I am seriously thinking about purchasing a jogging stroller. The one I"m looking at is okay to begin using at 6 weeks of age. Of course, here in Minnesota it'll be a while before I can use one. You brought up a good point about the dust. I will invest in a rain/wind canopy of some sort. How far/long did you run? I hope Justin likes it. It'd be a bummer to spend the money and then not have him like it. What kind did you borrow? This is the one I'm looking at:

Edited to add: SHOPAHOLIC! Those pictures are adorable. You two look so fit. Is that a sweatband she has on? I'm sure she's the fitest infant on the block. ;-) So cute, thanks for showing. You do look thin & fit--as if you haven't just had a baby this year. :)

Edited again to add: Maggie, Mr. B is getting so big & handsome. Your DH did successfully crop you out of it. However, I would have liked to have seen you in it. My 10 year old told me it looked like I had bruises under my eyes. When I told him it was sleep deprivation he was very concerned and thought I should take a nap. Isn't that sweet?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone--feels nice to be back.

Emy--I don't run anymore, but when I did start up after babies 1, 2, and 3, my pelvic area felt uncomfortable--not really sore, but definitely uncomfortable. And yes--I want to gobble up my sweet baby. He is just such a pumpkin!

Shopaholic--sent you the pics too, hope you get them. I started Bardric on solids about 3 weeks ago and he loves them, although his bowel movements require far more effort, which puts him somewhat out of sorts--mostly he is still breast fed, but he loves his food.

Melanie--I did send one pic with me in it, so now you can have a face to put with my name:p. Your ten year old is sweet. Loving his little brother a lot, I assume? My 9 year old DS has given Bardric the nickname of "Bunny" (which we all use now) and loves to play with him as do all of the siblings...

take care everyone--I am off to workout!

RE: Hi Everyone!

Unfortunately I didn't get the pics. My email is now [email protected]. Did I send you the pictures of Alexis exercising?
Thanks for the compliment Melanie, I actually felt that picture made me look heavy. Melanie, sorry I can't share you with you the magic that is keeping Alexis small. Wow, Justin weighs more than alexis already. Maybe, its Alexis' workouts that are keeping her trim. Hah, hah.
RE: Hi Everyone!

Okay--that explains it--they got returned to me. I'll try the new address and no I did not get the pics of Alexis exercising--perhaps it would give Mr. B some incentive--he's quite chubby.

Ordered Jogger Stroller

Hey guys. I splurged & ordered the Baby Jogger 3 with 24 inch wheels. I found a real good deal at --they're having a closeout on the purple color. Purple happens to be my favorite color--so it worked out well.
I send out pics of Justin to ya'll. I don't have Maggie, FitNuts or Marie's e-mail address. If you'd like pics just e-mail me your address: [email protected]

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Ordered Jogger Stroller

I'm glad the pictures turned out. Has anyone gotten Maggie's newest pictures yet of Mr.B? She promised that there'd be a picture of her in one of them too. I'm anxious to see if she looks the way I envisioned... ;-)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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