Postnatal bleeding... (Caution might be TMI)


from the back door. Anyone had any bleeding from the rectal area after a BM? It only occurs after the first BM of the day but not usually if/when I have a second. I am two months post partum after vaginal delivery and an episiotomy. It happened the first time around 3 weeks postpartum and stopped after about 7 days. I mentioned to my dr at 6 wk PP appt and he said that it was normal then because of the deep tissue damage and at that time (the 6 week appt), I wasn't having any.

But about a week and a half ago it started again. At first I thought it was because DH and I had sex and it was a little more aggressive than it had been since the dr gave the go ahead but not much. I figured it would stop in a few days but it still happens.

I do also have a little pain in the rectal area with the BM so I kinda thought I had a hemmroid on the inside that must get aggravated and then bleed. Does it take a long time for that area to heal after a vaginal birth? Oh and I haven't called my dr because we were in the process of changing insurance carriers at work but I probably will within the next week. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if I should be worried.
I did have this, and it was just the retearing of an existing anal fissure. Mine was from very hard bowel movements, and the pressure of trying to push them out caused a tear. It eventually went away when everything got back to normal pp. Give it a few more weeks and everything should clear up, I think.
definitely could be a hemmorrhoid or a little tear down there from bearing down when the area is still healing. did they give you any stool softeners when you left the hospital? they sent me home with some (along with pain meds) because they said it was very common to have difficulties going #2. i think they are OTC though, dulcolax or something like that. i'm sure if you call the doc they will tell you the right one to take. sorry you are having pain =(
I had this as well, and for me, it was definitely and anal fissure, as well as pretty painful. I had just pushed out a 8 lb. 12 oz. baby w/ no drugs and this seemed worse, LOL! If you weren't nursing you could get a compounded suppository called a, "rectal rocket" ( I swear that's what the compounding pharmacy called them!), but they had some nitroglycerin in them, or something like that, that you can't use while nursing. So they recommended that I use the perineal squirt bottle to cleanse the area well after a bowel movement and then apply a topical mix of antibiotic ointment and hydrocortisone cream, trying to push some of this mixture inside the rectum. It took about a week of this, while trying to avoid eating too much insoluble fiber, and getting plenty of water before the symptoms subsided.
Good luck!
try also taking some bulk fiber like metamucil. we are a house full of anal fissure problems. I know, tmi, but we are. Lots of fiber, lots of water and stool softener. Ask your docitr if you can have miralax. i think i was prescribed that last time around when i nursed. this time with no nursing i very much appreciate the luxury of the laxative after birth... also, you should try using prep H suppositories, it will help things sort of slide out. any straining makes it flare up... little james left you with a lifetime of basement issues! I think i own more basement medicine now that I have a kid! I hope it feels better soon. If you do stop nursing, let your doctor know, so that you can get some stronger meds. :eek:
Mattea are you from Minnesota by any chance?

I'm a pharmacist, and my professor (at University of MN) was the founder of the "rectal rocket"....and awesome rocket shaped suppository that helps with internal AND external lesions!

Sounds like internal rrhoids, my friend. I's suggest hydrocortisone suppositories. You can buy the 1 percent over the counter (2.5 percent requires a prescription).

Keep those stools soft with fiber & docusate.

Thanks ladies! I really didn't want to see the dr again so I'm glad I finally got the courage to ask about this. It's nice to see that I am not the only one that has/had this problem. I figured it was from giving birth.

LMAO on the "rectal rocket!" Mel, that's neat that your professor was the founder! :)

I do notice that when my stools are softer that it doesn't happen. I will look into everything suggested and see if that helps.

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