Posting? Lurking? Doing Cathe?


Just a quick question. I wondered how long all of you out there have actually been reading and posting on the Cathe Forum. Just curious :) :) :)

Doing Cathe since April 2002 (prior to that I did FIRMs and lifted with Francesca Gern)
Lurking since June 2001
Posting since approximately January of 2002 (begun on the fit moms site as I was expecting in April 2002) After April I switched over to the open forum.

I have been working out with Cathe for about 4 yrs and have been posting for about 1 yr.I love comming here,I should start counting how many trips I make here a day.
I have been lurking since September.
I haven't posted because I am doing Firms, also since September.
Cathe is a bit intimidating. I will probably start doing Cathe in February.
I have been posting since about January 2002. I have been doing Cathe videos since then Before that, I was doing Firm classics and some others (Breakthru, Mindy, Christi, Cory Everson GHAS).

So, both for a year.
Doing Cathe since 1996 or 97? Visiting forum since late 2001. Started posting in early 2002.

May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy
Great Thread Briee :D !

I have been doing Cathe since the beginning of October 2002 (before which I did Keli Roberts, Aerobics Oz Style, and Aussie Fit).
Lurked from mid September 2002. Posting since around 24th of September 2002 (I took a week to decide to post after watching Cathe's pre-views twice through, and reading through the forums ! LOL)

Anna :)
Hi Briee,
I've been doing Cathe for about 4 or 5 years. I've been on this Forum a little over a year (and love it).

I would say I started lurking around here in fall 2001, then I got the PS series. I didn't really start to collect and use the rest of the Cathe's until this time 1 year ago, Feb or so 2002, and I started posting a little more at that time.

You mean there was life before Cathe? I don't remember it... ;-)
I've been a Cathe fan since 1996 and only started posting Fall of 2002-wished I would've started sooner! :D You all are the best - Susan
I have only been Catheing for approx 1 year 3 mos, but I don't think I ever "lurked" now that I think about it!! My piehole is WAY TOO BIG and I just have to get my opinion in!! Lurking is not in my personality code!LOL... Day One of finding this forum I probably posted...
I have been doing Cathe since about 1995. I have all of her workouts, except for the Wedding video and Step N Motion. I have been mostly lurking here for just about 3 years. I sometimes chime in on a post, but not that often.:-shy Definitely hooked on Cathe and this site and can't see me giving up my Cathe Workouts as long as my health allows me to do them! ;-)

I don't post as much any more but I'm here a lot. I only read two forums and I found them both at the same and VF. I first logged onto the forum in Oct '98 and I've been doing Cathe's stuff since I found her in Collage around '95??? Like many here, I have yet to find anyone who comes closer to speaking to my exercise soul than Cathe does.
I started working out with Cathe tapes and posting in July or August of 2002. Like Janice, I am far too opinionated to contain myself enough to lurk. I always have to add my two cents worth. But at least I know its value. :)

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Good Question! Now I have to think is hard to remember when I started reading the forum or lurking? I think reading it this last summer (2002) and posting occassionally. I do remember when I did my first Cathe though. A friend visited me and left me the tape to try out!(May 2000) wow, an eye opening experience (for sure)! Before that my Mindy Mylrea tapes were my hardest ones. Now if I don't do Cathe my day just doesn't seem right! :D
I've been doing Cathe for almost a year, before that mainly Firms, Kari Anderson & being a gym rat. This is my first post after just signing on today, so I'm not a lurker yet!

I've done the firm for a long, long time, but after discovering Cathe, there was no turning back.
I started Cathe around 97. I have been hooked ever since. I used to post more but herniated a lumbar disk and it just was too depressing to come here since at the time Cathe workouts were out of the question. But since this past May I have been slowly getting back into shape. My back feels about as good as I think it will. The last month I have been easing back into Bodymaz, Imax and MIS so hopefully I will be ready for PH and the new series.
I was an occasional lurker for the last year or so. When I finally screwed up the courage to try Cathe in June 2002, I started to lurk regularly - now I'm here every day, several times a day (hoping for updates on the new DVDs). Started posting within the last month.

Started doing Cathe in 1989 with Step and Motion I. I think I was the very first post to the forum when it began way back when.
Wow Maryann, Your a true Cathe alumni, have you been doing her tapes all these years? What kinds of ups and downs have you encountered. Just curious.

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