Posting an on demand video in workout manager



I'm doing one of Cathes rotations ( I can't remember which one lol), anyway is there a way I can edit the rotation to change a cardio workout thats set in the rotation to one from the live archive. For example I'm down for Ripped with Hiit Plyo 2 tomorrow, but I'd like to change it to the Cathe Live Step Hiit class from 2014. I just wondered if there was a way of putting it on my workout calendar.

It doesn't really matter too much as I can just delete Plyo Hiit 2 and add a cardio step class but I just wondered if there was a way of adding an archived Cathe live workout to my workout calendar.

Hi Pippadog, The Workout Manager only contains the workouts that are on our DVDs, not Cathe Live workouts. Your only choice would be to use one of the generic icon markers.

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