Poster Girl


OMG I really can't believe it! THANK YOU CATHE!!!!

Last weekend I was out with the girls, having a much needed girls night. We ran into some friends while we were out...long story, a friend called a friend to get my number...

A local martial arts academy is running advertisement for their kick boxing classes for the summer and they want me to pose for the pictures. WOW!! The photographer said he went through 2 modeling agencies and just couldn't get what he was looking for. He told me that he thought I just might be it.

But I haven't showed him anything, he saw me as I was dressed for girls night and I asked, how do you know, you didn't see me in workout clothes... He said, have you looked at yourself lately, you can tell you take care of yourself.

After getting the scoop and learning it was for a kick boxing advertisment I was thanking you all night!! I know I put in the work in exercising, but without the workouts produced and created by you I wouldn't be this fit! And I surly wouldn't have been asked to be on a poster!

I will have to share the poster once it is produced!

Melanie! That is sooo exciting! I can't wait to see it. Congrats and now, you KNOW your hard work has paid off. You go girl!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance.
Congratulations!!! This is great News!!!! and please share the poster with us!!!!!

Cathe is the best!!!! I'm also in shape because of her workouts!!!!
That is so awesome when you are acknowledged for all the hard work you do! Cathe is an excellent coach and role model. Please share your poster when it is ready!!!!!
Hi Melanie! Wahooo, high five to you!!!! This is such exciting news. Congrat's!!! Please do share the poster with us. I would love to see it. Have fun at your photo will be amazing!
That is so awesome!!:)

You definitely should put a picture of the poster on your avatar when it's done!

(Oh, yeah, and do you have any "Poster Girl Rotations" you'd like to share with us?)
The rotation I did to get the look I have is always Cathe workouts, but for 2 months when the new workouts came out I did only those rotating each week, which really gave me the best definiation I have ever had. Those workouts took me to a higher fitness level and a much more defined look.

As far as the poster... I am so upset, but after talking it over with my husband and meeting with the photographer and the martial arts academy I had to respectfully decline the offer. They wanted to reserve the right to keep my picture (which would have been fine) but they made it clear they would alter it from time to time for different adverstisment. NO WAY!

After thinking about that for a while, I though gee.. they can really alter a picture for whatever they want and what ever pose they want too. I can't imaging seeing something extremely horrifying floating around town because the picture was altered. I have family to think about that would be effected directly as well to bad business decisions out of my control.

I was extremly flatterd by the offer and stayed on cloud 9 for several days, reguardless that I turned it down, I still owe CATHE a HUGE HUGE Thank you because even though I put in the workout without her direction and design I wouldn't even have been offered in the first place.
So sorry it's not going to happen, but I think you made a very wise decision!

Congratulations, again, for standing out in a crowd with your fit and firm self!:7

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