Post Road Trip Let Down Syndrome


So here I am at work, wearing my bright orange Cathe lanyard, carrying my road trip bag and logged onto Cathe dot com and no one has asked me how my weekend was. What a bummer to come back to the real world full of people who "don't get it." At least my DH pretended to be interested as I gave him the who's who in some of the pictures people have posted. If no one asks me soon, I may just explode.
I am so sorry Robin, I took today off - but I will do like you and tomorrow no one but my husband will be excited for me except my online friends -- (((Hugs))) -- I hope you have a great day thinking about the great stuff that went on during the RT!

I'm so sad but lets just think back to all the great memories from this weekend, the people we met, the workouts we did, it was incredible. Personally I feel really bad for the people we work with that don't get it, they have no idea how lucky we are! Look forward to all the new pictures that Cathe & crew will be posting and all the exciting things to come. Oh and that DOMS that will be setting in is quite a nice reminder of our fabulous weekend too!
Robin, just think of all of us in Catheland who are hanging on every description and picture that's posted about the RT! I feel like I spent all weekend online waiting for updates and pics. So there are tons of us who understand your excitement! :)

Ditto, Carolyn :) We get it!! We get it!! Tell all, baby...


My favorite color is chocolate.
--Homer Simpson
I ended up having to work today too, but I'm blessed to work with a wonderful lady that I have become quite close to and she is very interested in every detail.

My DD#2 wanted to hear every detail too. DH was interested in the highlights only :)
Yay! They finally asked and seemed to enjoy my blathering on and on.

Cakebaker, I hope you get to experience the let down yourself someday.
Letdown. Yup! I got it too!

I hit the grocery store yesterday before I came home, and everybody I saw looked like a Road Tripper! I recognized EVERYBODY! lol

I took today off of work to recover but I am still bummed out. After looking forward to something for so long and having so much fun it was hard coming back to the real world were nobody gets it. However I will enjoy looking at everyone's pictures, posting my own pictures and remembering all the fun times. :)
Robin, I totally feel ya. I'm at work today too and no one has even bothered to ask how my weekend was. I don't even think they noticed I was gone on Friday. *sigh* I wish I was back in Jersey with all you beautiful road trippers, sweatin' with Cathe and eating all that awesome food. Of course, I'm too sore right now to work out OR eat. But maybe I could do corpse pose on a yoga mat while everyone else works out. :p
I am happy to say my family and friends were interested. My SO was so cute, asking questions and skimming through the book of bios. I felt a kinda bad...he misses his athletic days.
I am really glad to be back to "normalcy" but I will sure miss my peeps.
>I am happy to say my family and friends were interested. My
>SO was so cute, asking questions and skimming through the book
>of bios. I felt a kinda bad...he misses his athletic days.
>I am really glad to be back to "normalcy" but I will sure miss
>my peeps.

So any pictures to share?? :)

Think of it this way - at least you got to go!:)

(I didn't make the cut and was stuck at home.:-( )

I hope you had a great time.

The pictures I've seen make it look as though everyone had a grand time!
Well gee, Robin, why don't you tell US about the RT!? Those of us not lucky enough to go have been anxiously WAITING for details and all we hear about is how let down you are that people who are NOT a part of this community don't seem interested. WE'RE interested -- WE get it -- WE'RE dying to hear all about it! Sheesh! :p :7

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