Post Partum Sept Month


Did we not have a check in last week? The little ones must have been keeping us busy:)

Things here are going good. Counting down the days till I go back to work. In some ways I am looking forward to it and in other ways Im not. Im not sure how I will get my workouts in and housework done when working full time! Its easy to get my workouts in now b/c I can put him in the stroller and we can go for a run but with the winter comming, its soon going to come to an end:-( I guess I will just have to make the best out of what workouts I can and eat super cleanx( :)

My workouts have been good since I checked in last. I started following the Sept Rotation on Monday and I am enjoying it. For some reason I have dropped like 3-4 lbs this week. I stopped bf'ing about a month ago, is it possible that my body is just catching on and I am losing the fat I used for making milk? I use to weigh 129-131 depending on how I was eating and now I am down to 125.8:) I like it here and hoping I can maintain it. I haven't done anything different to get to this weight so hopefully iy will stay off.

Here are my workouts last week:

Mon: HSC + 60 mins run
Tues: 60 min run + 4 combos of KM
Wed: HST + 20 mins run + hour long walk
Thurs: 70 mins run and abs + walk in the evening
Fri: C&W
Sat: 75 mins tun

The walks you see were more for tension releif then toe burn cals:)

Rylan screams alot these days. Prehaps he is cutting more teeth or maybe he just likes hearing himself! He also says DAD now as well so we have two words going on in the house but no crawling yet. Oh will all come with time!

Have a good week everyone and I will check back!
Hi, ladies,

May I join you? I just delivered little Ella Wednesday, Sept. 5th, so now I am a post-partum mommy too. So far, things are going well. My milk has finally come in, so I don't have to supplement with formula like I did. Does your milk eventually increase? Just wondering because every now and then, after Ella has fed from both sides, she still seems a bit hungry, but I don't really have anything left, so we give her a little formula to satisfy her (she was an 8lb 4 oz baby, so she needs a little more to be satisfied). I also pumped for the first time this morning, and there really wasn't much in my right breast.

Anyway, I'm still not working out - a bit too sore and tired, but hope to start soon!

Hi Chrissy!

Congrats! You must be so excited that your little one is here. I love her name! So pretty!
Just imagine, I had given birth around the time that you had found out you were preggo. Rylan just turned 8 monthes on the 4th.
Your milk with increase and I had the pleasure of bf'ing for 7 monthes. You will go through times when you think you have no milk left but I think your breast just settle in to what Ella will need. If all goes normal, with in a couple of days your breast should be pretty full when you milk comes in full force.You can always keep putting her on to feed, even if she isn't that hungry b/c that will stimulate more milk production and remember to drink TONS of water. I cannot even explain the importance to you of drinking water.You shouldn't have to supplement her anymore either.
Something else that you should try (is this your first cause Im acting like it is)LOL Rylan would pretty much feed every 3 hours, except at around 6 in the evening till 11ish. He was eating all the time. Its called cluster feeding. Now....if I hadn't tried this, I would have thought he had gas b/c he would have been crying. But whenever he was fussy I would put him on the breast cause I knew if he had gas, he would still be fussy and bring his knees to his chest. Anyway...I use to put him on every evening and he ate like every 30 mins or so. I know it sounds crazy cause I couldn't get anything else done, but Im sure it helped with my milk supply.
Anyway, if you have any questions, ask one of us...pretty sure someone will have an answer for you

Hi Chrissy! Congratulations! I love your name (my 3 year daughter's name is I could be biased :)

I usually don't post on this thread, but wanted to jump in on this one!

Yes, your milk will settle in. It takes a bit for it to level out. Our bodies are amazing. When she is going through a growth spurt and needs to eat more, your body will produce more. Don't worry, it will all come together. My mid-wife told me it takes about 6 weeks to get your complete milk supply.

Make sure not to jump into exercise too quickly. Let your body heal first. You just went through a major thing and it takes time to heal all the things that were stretched beyond belief! When you start, start out slow and make sure you listen to your body.

I just had my second daughter 3 months ago and exercise just isn't what it used to be. I really can't find the time I want to spend exercising, but I do squeeze it in there.

Congratulations again!

Ella 8/9/04
Madelyn 6/2/07
Hi ladies!

Lori, thanks for starting the thread this week, I totally slacked off the forum last week:) Sounds like Rylan is doing well and your workouts are fantastic as usual:)

Chrissy, welcome!!! Congratulations on the birth of you daughter, and I love the name. Sorry I don't have any advice on breastfeeding as mine were formula fed. I would however, recommend just taking a few weeks to relax, get rest and recharge before you attempt some exercise. You'll get energy back and be able to ease into it.

Hi Robin! Nice to hear from you and sounds like you're quite busy with your little ones as well:) How have you adjusted to having 2?

Had a good week of workouts last week and am thrilled to report that I have dropped another pound and have officially lost 40pounds since have Ryan 8 months ago!! My weight is 140 and my prepreggo weight was 138. I'm pretty excited. Kids are doing great, the older two are settling into kindergarten and preschool and Ryan is falling into a good pattern during the day with naps, I'm now able to workout while he naps in the morning and the kids are at school. Here's what I did last week:

Monday – Outdoor Walk (30min)
Tuesday – Body Fusion (Circuit Training-50min)
Wednesday – Elliptical, Outdoor Walk & Pilates for Abs (75min)
Thursday – Low Max (Step-45min)
Friday – Upper Body & Abs (30min)
Saturday – Outdoor Walk (30min)
Sunday – Rest Day

Have a great week:)

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Hi, ladies!

Thanks so much for the advice. I've noticed that I seem to have more milk today, so my body must be increasing due to demand. Ella seemed to be eating like a horse this morning. I fed her 3 times (40 minutes each session) within 4-5 hours. She seemed cranky until that last feeding which put her to sleep. She's been sleeping for about four hours now.

That brings me to my next question . . . I try to burp her after each feeding, but I don't hear her actually burp. Sometimes after I attempt to burp her, I will lay her down for a bit to get situated and ready to switch sides, or to get cleaned up, and she will spit up a little bit. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the over the shoulder burping method. I don't know if I'm not patting her back hard enough or long enough. Any advice here?

I certainly don't feel like exercising at this time, but I am looking forward to getting hard workouts in at some point. My plan is to just take a couple weeks off with NO exercise, and then when I have the energy, start taking walks with Ella in the stroller. Maybe I can build up my mileage as I get stronger - possibly throw in some yoga. I probably won't attempt anything harder than that until my 6 week appointment when I can ask my doctor's advice.

How long did it take you all to get back into exercise? What kind of exercise did you do?

Thanks again, ladies. This IS my first baby, so I have lots of questions, and I'm learning so much!

Chrissy, she just may be a hard baby to burp. Unless she is cranky, I wouldn't worry to much about it. My friends baby was hard to burp but I don't think he was fussy either. I had no trouble burping Rylan but I use to pat his back pretty hard;) My inlaws use to make fun of me but I wasn't hurting him and he never once cried with gas so I must have been doing something right.
You seem to have it all under control, and some babies spit up more as well. It also helps if they get a bit of tummy time to, that usually helps with gas.
I started exercising at 4 weeks pp but it was hard. I couldn't jump very high, it felt like my insides were gonna fall out...thats the only way I can explain it. After my 6 week check up, I resumed back to everything I did before but I had to modify for a while. I could only use 1 riser with my step and I couldn't lift as heavy. You will find ab work really hard in the beginning but it will get better.
I gained almost 50 lbs with Rylan and had it gone in 4 monthes.It was pretty quick but I kept my eating under control and started exercising. I bet bf'ing helped as well.

Hi Chrissy.

I have a hard baby to burp as well. I found for her that the over the shoulder really didn't get the burps out. I use a different hold. I will try and explain it here. You may have seen it in a baby book too. I have her sitting on my lap and I put my hand on her chest and totally support her and use my thumb/index finger to support her head. I then pat her back with my other hand. That extra pressure of my hand right on her tummy seems to help get that burb out. I do pat pretty hard. It always sounds louder than it really feels. It just takes some constant hard pats to get it out of her. Also, if I have patted for awhile (say 3 -4 min.) and nothing comes out, I lay her on the floor for a minute or two and then do it again. Sometimes it seems like that bubble gets trapped in there or something and when I pick her up again, it rises to the top and it comes out pretty quick once I start burping her again.

Hope that helps!

-Stacey - thanks for the warm welcome. Oh my goodness, being a mom of 2 is so much harder than 1! It wouldn't be so hard if my oldest daughter would still nap, but she is the energizer bunny. She goes to bed at 9 and is up at 6:30-7 and no nap. She has always been low on the sleep end. I try to get her to have a rest/quiet time for an hour every day, even though she doesn't nap, but she usually winds up jumping on her bed :)
Hi Robin!

Totally identify with the energizer bunny child!! My daughter (she's 4) also has tons of energy and sometimes it's tiring to keep up with her! It's been great that she's started in preschool though and I think it helps her to get a lot of that energy out. She's exhausted by 7:30pm and usually asleep by 8pm. My oldest son Alex (who just started kindergarten) is also quite tired and goes to bed at the same time. My evenings are great as I can get all 3 down and have time to get a workout in or relax for a few hours. It really saves me each day and I look forward to that time to myself:)


Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Chrissy, trying to think of some burping advice:)

Besides over the shoulder and sitting the baby on the lap and patting her back, I also sometimes have luck just walking around with my baby and patting his back. The motion a lot of times will get the burp out. Hope that helps a bit. By the way, all 3 or mine spit up a lot for the first few months, and then they gradually stopped doing that so frequently. Some babies just spit up more than others, so although it's messy, it's normal!


Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Hey, these burping techinques are working. We are finally able to get her to burp. We're not consistent, but it's helping . . .

I have another question for you seasoned moms . . . Now that she's home and my milk has come in, I am breastfeeding her. She was so good and calm the first few days, and now it seems like all she ever wants to do is be attached to my breast. She gets really cranky otherwise. So it feels like I am constantly attaching her to my breast, burping her and then she seems to want to eat AGAIN! She doesn't seem to sleep as much as she did those first few days.

Is she really that hungry? Did your babies always seem to want to be attached to your breast? How long did this go on?

Advice would be soooooo greatly appreciated!!!

You may have what I call a 'breast baby'. Some babies LOVE to be close to you and love that feeling of warmth, and for them, that means nursing. My first daughter was like this. She always had to be held and if she was not, she would cry (well, scream). I wound up buying a sling for her. That way I wasn't always feeding her, but she was close to me. It doesn't work for all babies, but it worked for her. And, my hands were free, so I could get some things done around the house too.

I fed my daughter a lot those first 3 weeks or so. They can not take in more milk than they can hold. If you feed her and then feed her again shortly later

and then she spits up most of what you just fed her, you are probably over-feeding her. This is different than normal spit-up. They can get cranky too if they have a tummy ache.

And, it is possible that you may just have a cranky baby. My first was. She was a monster until about 5 months and then she was so much fun. At the time I had no idea how I was going to make it with her, she was so demanding, but then things changed. Now she is 3 and she is the sweetest, most kind, empathetic little girl.

As for the sleep thing. They always sleep a lot those first few days because they went through some major trauma too. Their body is going through major adjustment and they sleep a lot those first few days. They then start having more awake time. You are probably seeing more of her true schedule now. You will notice a difference when she is going through a growth spurt as well. She will sleep more and may be more cranky just because parts of thier brain and body are developing.

And not to scare you, but as soon as you think you got a routine all figured out, they change it on you! LOL :) The fun trials of motherhood!

Sorry this got so long!

Don't are doing a great job!!!
Hi everyone. :)

Congrats to Chrissy! I am very happy for you. Enjoy your new little one. My son is now 5 weeks old, and I have no idea how the time has flown by so fast. He is already changing and growing. He used to look just like his big brother, but now he is becoming more of himself with his own features and expressions. As for the burping issue, I have the same thing going on with my little boy. He is difficult to burp. It seems to be hit and miss and varying techniques work at different times. I think you just have to be persistent.

Lori, I am continually impressed by your workouts. I don't know how you do so much with a little baby around. I am lucky if I can get in an hour workout a day, and lately I am lucky if I can work out 5 days per week. But I am slowly easing back into the workouts I did prepregnancy. It feels good to get more energy back. I did the bonus combo of PLB/PUB yesterday and my hamstrings are so tight!

So far this week my workouts have been good, but my eating not so good. I find when I am home all day with the baby I eat entirely too many snacks! I have about 10 pounds left to lose of the 32 total I gained. I am so frustrated that none of my pants or shorts fit yet and I am mostly still wearing maternity clothes or sweatpants. :(

Anyway, here are the workouts I have done so far this week.

Sunday- SJP
Monday- Mindy's Cardio Toolbox (3 of the 4 aerobic segments) + Core Max (1 segment)
Tuesday- Bonus Combo PUB/PLB + ab section from PUB

Today will most likely be a rest day since my older son is home today and I barely got any sleep last night (baby boy was awake very late and then woke up at 4am and was up an hour). I just couldn't get out of bed to work out before my husband left for work. I needed more sleep, as I am sure you all understand. Having a newborn does a number on your sleep patterns.

Last week was pretty good. I got in 5 workouts total, which was good enough for me. I am trying not to push it too hard before I go to my 6 week check up.

Sunday- CIA Step Generation with Strength Circuit
Monday- Kimberly's new kickboxing video + ab section
Tuesday- PP
Wednesday- One of Christi Taylor's hi-lo workouts, not sure which one now
Thursday- Rest Day
Friday- HST + Core Max (1 segment)
Saturday- Rest Day

I am feeling pretty good about how I am doing so far. I am 5 weeks postpartum and feel like I am getting back to normal finally (except for the sleep thing, of course). I hope everyone is feeling well and good luck to you, Chrissy. I am sure you will enjoy your little one. :)

Take care!


Jeremy born 8/8/07
Ethan born 10/12/02
Hi Chrissy!
Don't worry, the crazy sleeping (or not sleeping) pattern of a newborn is also quite normal and to be expected. Babies really vary with how much they sleep the first few months. Rest assured that she will settle into a great routine, but it will take a few months. It does go by fast and before you know it things will be MUCH easier! Robin had a great idea on the sling, also, do you have a Baby Bjorn carrier? I had mine with all my kids and it was such a huge help to me to be able to carry my babies close and have my hands free. Also, awesome for taking a walk and going to the store.

Good luck, hang in there:)

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Erin, AWESOME job on your workouts and weight loss! You are really doing great. Just wanted to let you know:)

Have a great week and enjoy your little guy;)

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01

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