post partum check in week of April 18

LOL- everytime you say "little moo" it makes me laugh. :)

Actually on saturday, my little moo didn't poop at all. On sunday he was really crying and trying to poop but couldn't so I helped him (not with my pinky (gag)) and he pooped like he hasn't pooped in 2 weeks. They were somewhat hard. I don't know if I would say hard but it looked very sticky. Like paste sticky. Since then he's been pooping with my help but not hard. Just dark yellowish color. Today he has a bit of a diahrrea. He's sleeping comfortably right now. Probably for only half an hour. I don't care as long as he sleeps most of the night which he normally does. Does your baby go all day without pooping?

How's MN? Is it warming up yet?
No, Justin is quite the pooper. :0) No concerns there. Everyone/baby is different though. For some it might be quite normal not to have a bowel movement for 2-3 days. Karo, or corn syrup, is sometimes used to help little ones with a BM. I can look up the directions in one of my books if you're interested...

I cannot take credit for calling Justin my little moo. I found a forum on working & pumping. They even have secret moos--like secret pals. Here's the link if your interested:

Gotta go, little moo is hungry...

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Alexis had a period I believe when she was about 2 1/2 months old when she went from pooping a few times a day to pooping every few days, I checked with the doc who said this was fine as long as she was eating. A few weeks later this pattern changed,
Thanks for getting back to me. My little big guy eats pretty much all day long. I don't care as long as he sleeps 6 hours during the night. :) He's pooping a little better now. Mel, I don't like giving babies stuff unless I absolutely absolutely have to.

How's everyone's work outs going? I still haven't gotten to it yet. I finally got my replacement for ME/BC. Can you lose weight doing ME? I can't do much of aerobics yet because of my knee. It's not completely healed yet though I'd LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE to get back to stepping.
I'm cracking up here.....was going to post a workout week, but we're way past the workout posts and on to more important doodling (that's what we call it in our home). Breastfed babies "act" constipated like some parent of a pooper up above mentioned. Then they have those looser stools and you wonder what their problem was in the first place!! I also do the "olive oil on the thermometer thing" which always produces doodle in like 3 minutes and makes him feel much better and I sleep better because he sleeps better. I don't always have to do it, but frequently.

As for that doctor up above who says your milk decreases when you loose weight so don't loose any weight. I'd probably hit him with a weight watcher book....but you all know how much I value these doctor's opinions.....they change with the wind and between any office. Maggie has some valid points regarding going on diets that force one into a state of ketosis. With my first four babies I gained 60+ pounds and I lost the weight to the point of being 5'3 and 100 pounds and never did the milk change whatsoever. I didn't really diet, it just came off eventually (usually over the course of 1 1/2 years time as they nursed well into their 2nd-3rd years). Granted I've had some weird nursing experiences, but I was constantly a part of huge laleche groups and lots of women lost "lots of weight" and milk production was NEVER a concern as long as you are eating normal and not "cutting" your calories to an extreme. No apologies for offending your doctor, but hopefully I didn't offend you!! :7 :7 :7

Glad to see you back Hotspur!!! Melanie....Noah has been in a walker since 3 months and does pretty well. He is 15lbs now, not really chubby though, just a nice size. Bardric could smush Alexis in one quick blow!!! I did try to email you shopaholic a while back, but it came back not working. Missed Alexis' picture. I've got to take some new ones too!!! Mel...Justin is so cute. Marie I'm still wondering as to your sanity on certain days - I hope you're eating and resting enough you workoutaholic!!!!

Welcome Lisa. I am new here too. I am breastfeeding my 10 month old daughter. Let me just say that your doctor's advice was bunk. It may be the case if you are dieting to the extreme, but not healthful dieting.

A helpful book on postpartum weight loss is "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell AFTER Pregnancy". It's great.The author also says you should not even bother to workout for the first 6-8 weeks postpartum. Your body needs to heal, establish a good milk supply, etc. You can start gentle, low intensity exercise from 8 weeks until about 6 months pp. The weight will not likely start coming off significantly until after 6 months. This is different for everyone though. Some women breastfeed and the weight just drops off, but for others it clings on more. I am the latter. x(

I urge you not to let this doctor's advice sway you from eating healthy and losing the Postpartum weight. With my first (7 years ago) I put off losing the weight for THREE YEARS. Why? Well, I had read studies that said that babies don't like the taste of breastmilk after a workout (because of the lactic acid). I was so paranoid that I didn't even workout. I breastfed until he was 2 1/2. And I walked around fat for nearly 3 years. Turns out those studies were flawed and the theory has been debunked. Thank goodness the lightbulb went on sooner for me this time around. I started out at (gasp!!) 195 (8 weeks postpartum) and now am down to 175 (my prepregnancy weight was 173). I need to lose at least 40 more, preferably 50. But I would be happy with 40.

I have been working out for two months now consistently, have lost 10 pounds and have noticed NO change in my milk supply. Just eat healthy and exercise. Know that you might retain 5-10 lbs until you wean but those will drop off quickly after you wean.

So we have similar amounts to lose. Just be consistent and make an effort EVERY day. I don't want to look back 6 months from now and kick myself that I didn't get my rear in gear!

Anyway, I exercise every day. My "off" days are just short walks of 30 minutes or so. My heavy days I do Cathe or a weight circuit here at home.
Hey Boogie,
When my first son was born, I didn't eat healthy until he was about 8 weeks old. I didn't start working out until 2 1/2-3 months postpartum because he was so big I was damaged real good down there. I know I didn't lose any milk when I started losing weight and it didn't stop my first from drinking the milk after I worked out. Also, I breastfed him 90% of the time and formula fed him 10% of the time. I didn't make enough milk to keep up with him. He ate A LOT. I mean A LOT. More than my second baby. This time, it's strictly breastfeeding since I'm producing a lot of milk to keep up with him. I wasn't thinking about going on a diet. Just cleaning up my eating. I eat ice cream at night when the boys are in bed. Bad habit. I eat well all day except for the nights. Sometimes I find it hard to eat meals during the day because both boys want something from me. Do you guys have that problem? I'm settling into a routine now which I am happy about. It was kind of hard taking care of these two at first but now it's better. Sometimes I want to kill myself after all the crying. Good thing one of my ears doesn't work. :eek:)

How do you guys work out with big boobs? My boobs are bigger now and it's not too comfortable. Which bras do you guys wear while working out?

Do any of you do pilates?
I use my regular champion jogging bras. I noticed that if I nurse before exercising--this helps. If little moo is not hungry, I pump prior to working out. On most days this helps, other days I hold my boobs while I workout.
I have done pilates. I have a couple videos. I don't like them as well b/c I like to get really hot, sweaty & slippery when I workout. This doesn't happen with pilates. Stott's is good. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi girls,

I need to start getting in on these threads earlier. Here was my workout week.

Mon - Step Blast 1&2
Tues - off
Wed - Legs & Glutes
Thurs - Step Blast 2,3&challenge
Fri - KPC
Sat - off
Sun - gauntlet

L&G was my first postpartum weight workout. I was quite sore! So much so that I couldn't really give KPC my all even 2 days later. I have not attempted that one again. I was not planning on working out on Sunday but an opportunity presented itself. DH went to town and took our oldest and the baby was sleeping. I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I figured I would do a terminator one thinking if I only got in half of it before Aidan woke up it would be a good workout. Well, wouldn't you know he picked that day to sleep through the whole thing! I felt great though.

Lisa - I too have 2 boys and my second was born 3/12, real close to yours. You've gotten lots of opionions about weight loss and breastfeeding and I pretty much agree with what everyone else said. I know I lost all the weight from my first while breastfeeding and I nursed him until he was 2 with no problems. I believe all the weight had come off before he even started solid foods too.

On pooping, my first son got to a point after a couple months or so, but before starting solids where he would go several days between poops. It worried me at first, but I heard this is normal for some babies. With Aidan, I am trying elimination communication and hold him in a squatting position with his knees up against his chest over the sink or toilet when I think he needs to go. Holding him in this position seems to help him get it out, but he still grunts and seems to have trouble getting it out sometimes. Other times though it just shoots right out as soon as I get him in position.

I can't remember what all else has been discussed. The weather has been really nice again this week, so I have not gotten in too many workouts. We've been to baseball games every day. Next week is the end of the regular season already. Baseball season is so short compared to basketball which DH also coaches. This past basketball season was especially long since I was also pregnant! The baseball team hasn't lost yet so hopefully they'll have a pretty good tournament run and extend the season a few more weeks. We just love to be outside when it's nice!

Gotta go, Aidan is waking.

It is so nice to have so many new moms joining us. Briee, your comment about Bardric smushing Alexis cracked me up.Briee, my new email is [email protected], resend those pictures and I will send you pictures of alexis. Maggie, how much is Bardric napping these days? Alexis is napping only about 2 hours each day. Its hard to believe but Alexis and Bardric are just days apart. In terms of big boobs i used 2 sportsbras early on, but I started with an A chest and went up to maybe a c, if that.
Tennyson's back to normal now! He finally went on his own last night and it was a GOOD amount. Went again this morning on his own. He's a lot happier and sleeping better now. WHEW! I actually got 7 1/2 hours of sleep last night.

Mel, I LOVE to sweat a lot from working out. It makes me feel I work hard and it actually makes me feel thinner? I also like to sweat with hubby ;o) I have not tried pilates yet. I ordered a Winsor pilates dvd on wed. since my friend swears by it. It's Maximum Burn Super Sculpting & Body Slimming. I'm going to see if it works.

I have a question, hopefully you guys don't get mad but do you ever get bored doing Cathe once in a while? I do once in a while among other instructors. Don't get me wrong, Cathe is VERY good but sometimes I'd like to kick her in the arse. :eek:)
I won't get mad at you....but NO I never get mad at Cathe and have not found anything else that I'm as happy with. Her crew IS the crew that I work out with. I'm an intensity freak and I appreciate her intensity. BUT that being said....I have come to points where I've been a little bored, but not very often.

I read the thread on the Power 90X series and I fell hook, line, and sinker. The reviews of it's intensity got me "big time". So I caved and bought it and I plan on doing it for the 90 days to see what it can do. I'll let ya know!!

Briee (haven't got it yet, but hopefully this coming week :7 )
Hoo Boy.....
Been a busy week and I have not been on in a long time, so I know I won't remember what everyone said, even though I just read it all. A good friend of mine has had a little baby in ICU for over a week with RSV (she just got moved to the regular pediatric ward--Praise the Lord!)--Anyway, between that and all the regular stuff going on, I have no time for the computer.

Lisa--Bardric is an old Anglo-saxon name meaning "Ax wielder" (as in warrior, not serial killer as one of the charming nurses in the hospital suggested). And your little one is named Tennyson? as in the author? or did you just like the name? at any rate it's cool.

Shopaholic--Bardric naps while nursing throughout the day. I have never been successful at nursing babies and then setting them down or at just laying them down and having them go to sleep. I can do this with weaned children, but not nursing babies.

Oh and by the way, Bardric does not weigh 24.5 lbs--my son weighed him and must have made an error, because when I did it, I got 21.5, which seems more realistic, so thats that. He is so active that his growth is really slowing down.

Melani--Justin's pictures were very cute!

Oh and I ordered my first DVDs--Slow and Heavy, KPC and L&G, and the Terminator--things I don't already have. Now I just need the player, which my husband will get soon. We wanted some DVDs to test with whatever we get. Circuit City told him that if our DVDs did not work with the player we bought, we could take it back. I am very excited by all the workout possibilities!

take care everyone!


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