post partum check in week of 1/25


Hi everyone!

I am doing the one hand typing thing as Mr. B is sleeping in the crook of my left arm. I am reluctantly taking an extra day off as my knees feel a bit sore--bummed, but I don't want to be totally out of commission, so I'd better be cautiousx( .

My work outs for the last week were as follows:
Sun 18-Step &Intervals(cardio only), 30 min bike
Mon 19-ME
Tues 20-rest
Wed 21-IMAX II
Thurs 22-CTX UB
Fri 23-LL, 30 min bike
Sat 24-C&W
Sun 25- rest

I lost another lb--finally--bringing my total from 2 wks pp to 18.5 lbs--1.5 lbs from my pre preggo weight, but still a ways from my goal.

Briee--I am trying to send you pics, but I am getting all these weird error messages, so I'll have to get my husband to tinker with the computer:p

Mr. B weighs 19 lbs and is rolling both directions and drools buckets. He gets up on his knees and elbows and rocks back and forth:eek:. Ack! this cannot be happening. Next year, because of Malcolm's down syndrome, these 2 are going to be like twins--thing 1 and thing 2--life will be very interesting in the our household--hoo boy! I think I am finally going to have my husband put up some of those baby gates!

Hope everyone is doing well!

take care
Maggie, you are doing marvelous! Yahoo! 1.5 pounds is nothing!!! I'm so proud of you! Your workouts look great. That will be interesting with two little ones that are developmentally at the same spot. Kind of like having a 24/7 daycare center.

Do you think you guys will have anymore kiddos? How many do you have total, I forget if you've told me this before.

BTW, has anyone pre-ordering Cathe's DVD's that are being filmed next month? I was planning on purchasing the Body Blast DVD's, so I'll order these with her pre-order sale to save on shipment. I will wait till tomorrow to purchase b/c I'm only going to purchase DVD#3.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I just pre ordered! And DVD's no less! We don't even have a player yet, which reminds me I was going to ask you all, what kind of dvd players do you have and do have problems playing Cathe's dvds on them? Some people have problems with the her dvds in their players and I would like to avoid this problem. I am so excited! I am such a non techno person, though, that I am a little nervous also. But I am sure that in the near future, after I am used to this technological shift, I will be replacing my video collection. I am also glad to have a more basic Cathe work out for much needed lighter days.

You are sweet, Melanie--if I ever reach my goal I will have to post before and after pictures:) we have 5 kids, so far, and most days would like more--insane, I know:eek: :p :7.

take care
Hello friends! I just order the DVDs a tad before 5 pm (mountain time). I must have missed the cut off for picking the winner of the super bowl because it didn't ask me - what time did it start anyway? Oh well! I ordered all 3 DVDs. I figure I will loan my mom the easier workouts and try to get her exercising, and also use them next pregnancy.

Mon- C&W + L&G
Tue- Step This Way w/ Kristen Kagen
Wed- 30 min. of CIA 9905 step + PUB
Thu- PLB + KP&C kicking & punching premix
Fri- Imax 2
Sat- Boot Camp

I really pushed hard with the workouts this week, but unfortunately my eating increased right along with it, which = no weight loss. Oh well, I enjoyed all of the food!!

Next week I think I will try to find a happier balance.

Maggie, I feel sad for your prolonged injuries! You are a trooper, though.

Melanie, I am glad you are enjoying your time with Justin. I keep looking at Max's birth pictures and the first month's pictures! I wish I could have 5 minutes back with that teeny baby!

Shopaholic, how are you doing?
Emy, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with the teeny baby part. I want you to know I am enjoying EVERY moment of it, even when he's cranky he's so adorably small. Often times I just sit and stare at him & cry b/c I love him so much & I feel so fortunate to have him. I must be more emotional now that I'm officially in my 30's.

Since I'm on maternity leave I've been watching a lot more t.v. & it seems that there is a lot of abuse that goes on to those teeny babies. I've been spending a lot of time praying for the unborn & for the care of the neonates...especially when caregivers need patience & serenity. Before Justin was born I wasn't touched to pray for the little ones like I am now. Amazing how God works, isn't it?

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone,
We decided yesterday to go to my in laws house about 2 hours away. They live primarily a few blocks away from us but own a small house near where we used to live. We mostly shopped. Alexis now owns enough clothes to probably go a month without repeating outfits, wonder why i call myself shopaholic? unfortunately i skipped my workout yesterday as a result of the trip. Is shopping exercise? As a wrote in last week's post Alexis took the bottle for a few days, unfortunately she is back to refusing it again, but continues to love her sweet potatoes. She too is drooling. I haven't weighed her lately, but she will get weighed at breastfeeding group on Friday. My weight is sticking at about 1-2 pounds of preprego weight but some of my more tailored clothes remain tight.
Workout week:
Sunday-Firm-super cardio
Tues-PLB+ctx kickbox
Wed-PUB in am, imax 2 cycles 6-10 premix in the afternoon
Thurs-Rythmic step+Abs from Cardio and weights
Sat-Traveled and shopped
Melanie! I was very teary recently when I heard yet another story of a baby dying left alone in a car. Now that I have my own baby, I can feel the emotion of the event, but think of it happening to little Max. I also heard a story of a mom leaving 4 small kids in a mini van in a wal-mart parking lot for an hour. When she came back the cops were there ready to arrest her - she deserved it!!

Anyway, you asked how many kids every one plans to have. I believe I'm meant to have four. My instincts tell me # 2 will be another boy.

Shopaholic, I vote for shopping IS exercise!

Also, I am curious, a question for everyone: When did you start working out to exercise videos, and whose tapes did you start with?
I am glad to know people think that shopping is exercise. When I hear about children dying through no fault of their parents , I worry that something will happen to Alexis. In terms of parental abuse, it is awful what people do. I am a liscensed social worker and do alot of therapy with abused children as well as adults who were abused, mamy sexually as children. On a lighter note, I started using exercise videos about 10 years ago starting with my jane fonda step and video. I moved on to firms about 2 years later and through the years built up my collection. I had belonged to gyms as well until we moved last March. I am in awe of all of you with big families or plans of big families, I am a big child lover, but we are thinking we may stop at only 1. It fits well with our life. But plans may change.
Maggie, i give you so much credit for exercising with 5 children including a down syndrome child. its great that you are taking care of yourself.I hope your knee feels better. Oh yeah, one last thing about Alexis , she is still loving her videos, and we can put her awake at night in her crib, as long as her belly is full. Briee, PLEASE cut yourself some slack with the breastfeeding, you are doing the right thing for your child by taking care of yourself. Besides. Alexis is still fussy and she has been breastfed for 4 1/2 monthsEnough of my procrastination, time to exercise.
We now have 2 kids. Recently (past 2 years) I've had a strong desire for our family to grow. DH had to be convinced to have another one. He's 40 now & really felt good with the one kid. He gets so worried that something might happen to me or the baby when I'm pregnant. With the surprised csection, I'm afraid I've scared him away from having another one. Again, I have a strong desire to have at least one more child. It's all in God's hands...if it's meant to be, He'll find a way for it to happen, right? A little playmate would be so nice for Justin. Maybe a girl playmate. ;) I'd be super dupper happy with another healthy boy...or no more. God's already been generous to us!

I began my workouts with Kathy Smith. Then The FIRMS. Then I ventured to Mylera, CIA's, Tae Bo. When I found Cathe I was hooked. I exercise almost exclusively with Cathe now. Every once in a while I'll need a break & I'll tap into another video.

I began exercising July 15, 1998. It sounds funny that I remember the date, doesn't it? Well this is also the date I offically (and permanently) quit smoking. I never wanted to exercise when I smoked, it seemed counterproductive. I wanted to replace the bad habit with a good habit. I've been an endorphin addict every since.

BTW, DH and I decided to try to continue breastfeeding exclusively (or as much as we can) as long as we can. I spoke to lactation consultant this morning. Wednesday I'm going to purchase one of those deluxe breast pump thingies. It's similiar to a Medula, but it comes in a backpack instead of a brief case. Maggie, I know you've had lots of experience with this type of pump. I'm hoping that I'll be able to take a short break at work to it realistic to think I can do this in 10-15 minutes? The breast milk baggies seem real expensive to me...where did you get yours? Do you have any hints for me? I"m really excited about this adventure. Little Justin will be going through a growing spurt soon (at 3weeks) and I'm planning on making a schedule that will allow me pump & feed while on break. I'd like to be 2 weeks ahead (stored milk) by the time I go back to work.

Hope your favorite super bowl team won. It was a good game. :) Have a great day!

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey all you postpartum buddies. This week was one of those "it was a wash week" as far as exercise goes. Colicky baby, etc....but he is settling in now and not half as bad and he is sleeping a little more. I worked out on Sunday and did KPC giving it my all and i ached for many days!!! I did SS on Saturday night when the baby finally slept without being held and I also added in some heavy shoulder work and abs. Yep that's it!!

This week is going much better!! And even though I didn't get a lot of exercise in last week, I've been loosing weight. I'm on a "cut the weight" strict program and have been sticking to it. I'm getting a protein shake in the morning and big salad at lunch and more veggies at night with a protein type shake and that's it. The weight is coming off. I've got about 10 pounds to go now. Sometimes I add in a protein bar, but the I'm staying away from all starchy carbs, breads, pasta, etc... I'm REALLY determined now!! I'm going to do a S&H rotation, (not just to cathe tapes - Aquajock style)

I started working out with a Jane Fonda video that I got at a garage sale with her step, around June 2001 and quickly moved to the FIRM and then to Francesca Gern of all people. I did Fran. Gern through my whole pregnancy and really increased in weights by the time baby was born. Then two months post partum June of 2002 I started doing Cathe and never looked back!!! I have to say that my bodies returning to normal much quicker this time. My abs are almost flat, EXCEPT for that loose elephant type skin around my belly button. I have weight to loose around my tush, legs and arms. I know crash diets aren't supposed to be good, but for some reason they work for me and I usually keep it off once the weight comes off. (usually!!)

Hi everyone--I won Cathe cup! We got out of evening service last night and the game was tied 29-29--I am not really a football fan, but I was really tied in knots, because I wanted my free cup:7.

Melanie--about pumping. Plan on pumping every three hours for around 20 minutes so you can keep your milk supply up. 15 minutes might do it, but ask the lactation specialist about this. They wanted me to pump 8 times a day (which I never did--too exhausted)Every woman is different. Also, I am assuming that you will be breast feeding your little one when you are home, which I was never unable to do--so frequent pumping was really essential for me, but you might be able to get away with less. Perhaps you could contact the La Leche League for some advice The breast milk bags were expensive, but you can freeze the milk in other containers as long as you allow enough time for it to thaw before you need it. I wish I could be more help.

My knees feel better. That extra day off was a good thing. I did my workout today on a 4"step just to be cautious.

Briee--amazed at your discipline about eating so strictly. I myself need at least a small amount of chocolate each day (and sometimes more than a small amount)just to stay somewhat sane:9

Bardric is howling at me, so I don't have time to tell my exercise history right at the moment, but I will:p

take care,everyone
I forgot to add my own home exercise history.

I started doing step aerobics at a gym in 1994 (during that time my first exercise video purchases were Tamilee Webb's buns and abs of steel). Since that time, I have also been an avid runner, doing many short races, plus several half-marathons and 2 marathons. But in January of 2001 I needed more variety and somehow stumbled upon There I discovered Cathe and quickly collected most of her workouts. I have been enjoying them continuously ever since. I must add that I am also a big fan of Christi Taylor's hi-lo workouts.
Emy, are you a night owl (or is baby)?! I couldn't help but notice that your last post posted at almost 1am! Wow! Emy--I too am kind of a runner. I haven't run a marathon, but I've done quite a few 5k's. This past summer I ran my first 10K (I was 7 weeks pregnant). I trained for it for 3 months and I was really determined to do it despite the pregnancy. The run drained me so much. I was so tired to begin with and the run was super dooper hilly. I really paced myself and was super cautious not to get my HR up too high. I didn't place last--but pretty darn close to it. I did feel like I accomplished something though. I figured I was no doubt the only pregnant runner (therefore 1st in my class) and I did it!!! However, I don't know if I'll do it again. 5K's are much easier for me. I do want to get a jogger stroller. I"m going to wait till Spring though. We have about 8 inches of snow right now (Minnesota here) and I read that baby can't really go into them until 5-6 mos of age.

Okay guys. I weighed myself this morning and I am so excited, I wanted to share with you (and the world)!! I am only 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! Yahoo! No dieting or exercising. Just breastfeeding and sleep deprivation. ;) I'm soooo excited. I always wanted to be about 10 pounds lighter than I was before I got maybe I'll be able to do that. I just hope it's not my muscle weight I"m losing...

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Wow Melanie, you are doing great with the weight thing! I am finding out that we need to toss our scale as I gained like 10 Pounds this morning and I know it's not right now. The parrot tried to eat it and it will never be the same (very old) so I've got to get a new one. I hate that as I know exactly where to stand on the old one to get my weight like 1/2 a pound less :( :( .

I forgot to add up above. I didn't get the new DVD's. I really want the intensity series DVD's. I'm not a cardio person and I don't know if I really want any more cardio. Wish Cathe would come out with a hard core super slow and heavy series, NOT ENDURANCE!! Although I know she is excellent at it and step is her thing. I might just wait for the reviews on this one.

Maggie congratulations on winning the mug!! See that's what you get for going to church instead of staying home to watch the game!!!;) ;) ;) ;) (actually we don't even have reception to get the game so we were home, but couldn't watch if we wanted to. I'd rather go sledding - hate watching sports - would much rather be in the game :7 :7 :7 :7 or better yet in the half time show or so I've heard - oh my)

Briee, I want to get the Intensity Series on DVD, but I'm not really interested in the strength training (just the opposite of you). Perhaps we should go in on it together-- you can have the strength & I'll take the cardio ones? It's a much better deal if you buy the 4 DVD's together. I already have the Terminator. Let me know if your interested, K? You can always e-mail me directly too: [email protected]

Oh, I know what you mean about the scale thing. I'm curious to see what a dr's scale would say. It would probably say I"m still at my full pregnancy weight. ;) No, seriously I'm wearing my prepregnancy jeans. They feel WONDERFUL. Yeah! I'm still pretty spongy in the abs, but I'm not going to be too picky, feeling pretty lucky as it it.

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity" got me going with that offer. I ran down stairs to get the book and see how the IS is divided. My problem is...I love IMAX II, PLB, PUB, but I'm not thrilled with C&W's or Boot Camp (actually, I'm not thrilled with the men being in Boot Camp, which is contrary to popular opinion on the Cathe site....I always feel like saying, "get out of here guys this is OUR workout". I could never say that on Open Forum and I'm counting on the guys not reading this or I'll be smashed ;) ;) ;) ).

How do you like the terminator? I recently got Body Max off of ebay and I just don't like circuit workouts - it will probably gather dust. I like weight training one day and cardio alone or prior to weight workouts. Mixing the two makes me crazy. It's like my body doesn't know why I can't make up my mind. Can you put together an all weight workout with the terminator by her premixes or all cardio?

You caught me, Melanie! My husband and I are terrible. We go to bed at midnight (mountain time). I would like for it to be earlier, but we are so used to our routine, that it is hard to change. Plus, Max usually doesn't go to bed for good until between 11 pm and midnight - but it's probably because we have adapted him to our schedule.

Time for me to go watch American Idol!- Does anyone else watch it?
Briee, I recently got the terminator and really liked it, but if you fon't like circuits its probably not worth your money. You'd be better with imax 2 and cardio and weights. On cardio and weights with the dvd you can do either weights or cardio if you want to . Briee, I am inmpressed with your workouts and diet, how is your energy level? i remember being a zombie those first few weeks. Melanie, wow 5 pounds to go, see you reached your goal. I remember you were trying so hard not to gain excess weight. Emy, what time is Max waking up? I need to be asleep before 11 since the little princess arises at 5;30 am. I think this waking time is my hubby's fault. Every am when I was pregnant hubby got up for work at 5:30 and taps my belly, asking the baby if she wanted to play, and waiting to see if she kicked. Back to questions about history of using videos, an aerobic instructor introduced me to cathe tapes and made me copies of a few of her tapes about 8 years ago. At this point I was only into aerobics, no weights. I should add that I have a petite build with little muscle, when I started using weights a few years ago, I couldn't even lift 2 pounders with ease, now I am using 10's and sometimes 12's which is great for me.
Shopaholic, my energy level has been great as long as I get a good amount of protein while lifting heavy. Now...keep in mind I'm not nursing this time and there is a big difference. When I nursed my body was not responding the same way. This part...I'm enjoying (about not nursing). I feel like I'm almost back to normal with energy level and I also am petite like you. I'm hitting the weights hard now and doing very little cardio...but I still LOVE imax II which to me is a little different then cardio. I love intervals. I - being this fast twitched muscle person - would rather do an intense 20 minutes interval session where I completely knock myself out than do 1 hour of moderate cardio.

I can't believe how wiped out I was when I was pregnant - I can really feel the difference!!!


Hi there everyone!

You guys got me thinking that I need to lose those last 20 pounds (haaa haaaa}( ) from my last pregnancy....almost 2 years ago this coming March....NEXT MONTH! Oh no!:eek: :eek:

So, Briee, I like your plan. What protein shakes are you drinking? Can you also tell us a day in your eating plan. I need some serious motivation. Can you help a buddy in need?:+

Dish out some advice...anyone?[/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

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