Post Partum check in April 1st


Hi Moms:)

Can you beleive it is April already? Time sure if flying by now that the little one is here.
This week I tried giving him cereal even though he is only 12 weeks old, just to see if he would sleep better but that didn't work.Then I tried giving him some formula but all he did was urge.I guess he likes mom's milk best:) I just hope my milk doesn't dry up! Then he was starve....LOL

He as the cold this week so its been a weird week. I haven't gotten very far b/c I just keep him inside.Today he is suppose to have b-day party but Im not sure Im gonna take him out.

The weight loss is still going well. I lost 3.3 lbs last week.(i only lose every second week) so thats 15.4 lbs in 8 weeks and I am now 4 lbs from my pre preg weight BUT I think my shape is different. When I was 129-130 before I got pregnant I had a lot of muscle, now I am almost the same weight without as much muscle and I can see a big difference. Most of it is around my middle so I think I need to do more ab work or maybe add a pilates workout in.

This weeks workouts were:

Sun: 4 mile run
Mon: LM in a.m / hour long walk before dinner
Tues: GS Bic,Shou/ 6 mile run
Wed: GS Legs and 4 mile run
Thurs: Circuit max
Fri: CTX UB (in the a.m) & 6 Mile run in P.M
Sat: Imax 3

Krisine, Im glad to hear you are enjoying your time home, but I knew you would.How much longer are you in Germany for? Do you have any siblings there?

Stacy,So sorry to hear Emma was sick.It must have broke your heart! Im sooooo glad to hear she is doing better though. When you have kids, you never know what the day is gonna bring.

Trish, your baby sleeps through the night to? Ugh! Im lucky if I can get 4 hours out of this guy. I can handle one feeding at night but 2 is a bit much sometimes.

I hope everyone as a good week. I have Rylans christening next Sun so I am hoping to eat clean all week and have some treats next Sun:9

Lori I am very curious about your diet? Do you count calories? What do you typically eat?
A few books that I read when pregnant that helped my daughter sleep thru the night at 7 weeks and into a regualr sleep pattern (3 naps a day until 9 mns - she is now 18 months and just dropped to one nap a day) is Baby Wise (this is good for establishing a routine) and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby (I believe that is the name). The books worked well for me and I have suggested them to friends who have also had success with them.
Hi everyone!
Hope you are all doing well and had a restful weekend.

Lori, sorry to hear Rylan has been sick and not getting solid sleep at night. That is tough, but I'm sure he will get into a better phase for you very soon. Could be he's just in a growth spurt right now. Also, great about your weight loss!! You're doing awesome with that and your workouts.

Well, my daughter is doing so much better and gets stronger every day. It is such a relief to see her up and playing and happy again. We will be so glad when she is full recovered.

Ryan is doing quite well. He's now sleeping about 11 hours at night (and wakes up once a night to eat). Typically, he'll sleep in a 6-8 hour block, then eat, then go back down to sleep for another 4-5 hours. It's a good pattern, and I imagine soon we'll be able to drop the middle of the night feeding. I plan on trying to work on that once he starts rice cereal at 4 months and he has more on his tummy (Lori, you might notice a big difference in Rylan's nighttime sleep once he is starting solids and has more in his tummy). I found that held true for my other kids. Ryan is also finally in somewhat of a nap pattern during the day which is wonderful. He takes 3 or 4 one hour long naps a day, and occasionally one of those is 2 hours in length. It is a very manageable nap schedule for me.

As far as workouts and weight loss. I did lose another pound and am about 10pounds from my goal weight. I was only able to get 3 workouts in last week with my daughter being so sick, but think I'll be able to get in 5-6 this week for sure. I am now doing all of my workouts in the evening after the kids go to bed. So I generally workout starting at 8pm. It works really well for me as I have no distractions and can complete an entire workout. I got Cathe's LIS for my b-day and the new Firm bootcamp, Shape's new Transforming workout, and a Crunch pilates dvd. I'm excited for all my new workouts! Here's what I did last week:

Monday – Rest Day
Tuesday – Rest Day
Wednesday – Rest Day
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – QuickFix Total Cardio Kick (30min)
Saturday – Cathe F. LIS Cardio (40min)
Sunday – Firm Bootcamp (Cardio & Toning – 50min)

Trying to eat cleaner and eat more veggies and fruit. Hope you all have a great week and good luck on weight loss and workouts, and of course with your babies:)

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Buckeyes, I am following WW's right now. Its helped wth the weighloss quit a bit but breastfeeding and working out is helping to, Im sure:)
My daughter said the other day, "you know mom I was thinking, it must be awful to be a dog b/c they eat the samething everyday. And then I thought, so do you" LOL And I do. just b/c I know how many points are in everything and I want to get enough fiber in my diet. is what I eat:
B-Honey Nut All Bran w/skim milk
L-Egg sandwich on high fiber bread/cheese slice and a orange
S-All Bran bites/yogurt and some string cheese
D-Some lean meat,yam and veggies
S-apple and peanut butter

Now, I still have a treat everyday and somedays to many treats! And everyday doesn't look exactly like this. I eat a variety of fruits and I drink alot of water.
Thanks for the info on the book.Ill have to check it out.

Stacy, so glad to hear Emma is comming around! Im surprised you got any workouts in at all! And Im "kinda" glad that Ryan is sleeping 11 hoursx( ;) :+ alright,alrght...IM JEALOUS! I guess its only a matter of time for my guy. He slept in his swing this pass weekend b/c of the cold and when he wasn't in there, he was in bed with us, propt up on a pillow.

Thanks for your diet info. I have tried WW in the past and had pretty good success with it (and then the holidays came and so did the weight loss!!)Do you count your activity points? What about the 35 other points - do you eat those throughout the week? I think my problem for losing the last 5 pounds is I lighten up on the weekend and I gain some (or all) of my weekly loss back. I believe I still have my WW slide - so maybe I will try that again.Thanks for you help and good luck on the sleeping issue!!
I don't eat my activity points or my flex points (as such) On my weigh in day, I kinda keep track but thats the day I will eat whatever I want (within reason) The reason I don't eat those extra points is b/c I am breastfeedng so I allowed to have 31 points a day and I can get plenty of food with that.
I know what you mean about gaining weight back! It took me 2 weeks to lose 3 lbs, I went out for dinner on Sat night and I gained 2 lbs back! I even went for a 9 mile run yesterday to compensate for my over eating but my body is holding on tight!Its funny how that happens
Hi Ladies,

I'm late on the check-in but I wanted

Sun: Step Blast, Core Max 1
Mon: nada
Tues: nada
Wed: KPC
Thurs: Low Max, Ab Hits#7
Fri: nada
Sat: nada

I am having trouble getting back to a normal workout schedule. I used to work out 5 days a week, but just getting 3 days in is a challenge. Hopefully, I'll get there soon. I'm not sure how much weight I have to lose because I don't weigh myself regularly and I waited 8 weeks to have my first weigh-in after getting pregnant. I'm estimating 10-15 pounds are left. So far, I've lost everything gained from that 8 week point, but I was definitely pigging out during those first 8 weeks so I have a little way to go;)

Question for you ladies - Are you able to do all of your old abdominal routines? I'm still having some trouble with pikes and a couple of other things. Just curious if this is normal at 3 months post partum.

Lori, Olivia's all-night sleeping was short-lived. I'm not sure what changed, but as of this past Sunday, she has been getting up two times per night and the longest sleep session is about 5-1/2 to 6 hours. Still not bad, but, boy do I miss the 8 hour stretches ;(

Kristine - Olivia was born at 12:32:)

Take care ladies,

Hi Trish!
Nice to hear from you and good job on getting in the workouts that you are able to! It definitely is a challenge to fit in the workouts, and for me, I've had to start doing all my workouts in the evenings after the kids go to bed. I can usually start my workouts by 8pm and have a nice 45min-1hr. of workout and "me" time. Although I'm a bit more tired, I really look forward to and enjoy this time of day.

As far as abdominal work, I'm really focusing on pilates for my abs, and am aiming for 2-3 times a week for corework. My abs are definitely going to take a while to regain strength and still feel a bit weak, but I think I'll get there with hard work. That area certainly went through the most stress (and stretching!) from all my pregnancies.

Okay, sorry to hear you're having broken sleep again. I imagine that is just a phase or "growth spurt" for Olivia. I'm sure she'll get back to the longer stretches so be patient.

Taking a rest night this evening cause I'm totally exhausted, will get back to it tomorrow evening.


Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01

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