Post-partum c-section moms check-in


Hello ladies! I am just wondering how all of you are doing with your c-section "pooches"?! Mine is still there (sometimes more obvious than others) and I'm getting bored of my abdominal routines. What are you all doing to target that area? Is it working? Is it hopeless?

I'm sure it's not but just a matter of my determination. Just looking for some kindre spirits and any ideas for ab work to add variety to my regime.

Well, my c-section son is nearly 7, and I still have that pooch down there that hasn't gone away -- ever. Having my 2nd child didn't help any, either, because of course the uterus stretches even more with each child born. And with my 2nd child, my hips spread because she was born vaginally.

I have very strong abs, and my upper abs look good, but so far the pooch hasn't responded. I have heard, however, that with plank work the pooch should show some improvement because planks work the entire core area. I just recently began doing plank work about 1-3 times per week, and I think it's too soon to tell whether it will help me, but maybe it's something for you to look into, if you haven't already.

I don't know -- sometimes I wonder if I will be stuck with the pooch forever . . . . :(
My pooch is still there!! I've been doing Cathe's Ab Hits, Pyramid Upper Body and Muscle Endurance pretty regularly. While I'm starting to see my nice waistline coming back, and the start of a "two-pack" under my ribs, the pooch is still there and my lower front abdominal area generally looks a little saggy! I'm going to take measurements this weekend and maybe some pictures, and do the same in 3 months to see if I'm getting anywhere!
Hey ladies - I had my first baby 7 weeks ago. He was breech so I had to have an emergency c-section. I just started back to exercise about 2 weeks ago and have noticed that my pooch is starting to go down a bit. I've been doing weights/cardio & ab work. I just started adding pilates and yoga back in to the routine so hopefully that will help me get my flat tummy back. I'll keep you updated on the progress. Any other suggestions would be appreciated!!

My son is 11 weeks old. I had a c-section too because he was breech. I have a pooch too, but I also have about 15 pounds to lose still. I wonder what it looks like without the weight!! I've been doing ab work, but it still feels weird when I work my lower abs (pelvic tilts and crunches bringing bent knees toward the head). How long will this last??

Even before my c-section, and no matter how lean I am, I always have a slightly poochy tummy... I am almost 9 mos. postpartum from a c-section birth, and I don't think my abdominal area is very much different than before (other than the scar). I do pilates, stability ball work, and crunches...

When I was in the hospital, all of the nurses were oohing and ahing over how nicely my surgeon stitched me up... not having anything to compare it to, I take their word for it. Perhaps that has something to do with the recovery?

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