Possible stress fracture, help??


I've had a pain on the left side of my left foot for about a month now. It's gotten worse lately and I will probably head to the doctor in a couple of days. It feels kind of like I've pulled a muscle, but it's locate between my heel and little toe. After talking with a few people around the popular answer was a stress fracture. I've been training for a 1/2 marathon until about a month ago when this pain started. I figured it was my shoes, well - new shoes didn't help.

Any ideas? Can I still workout with a stress fracture? The pain isn't completely unbearable, but enough that concerns me.

Any ideas would be great. I don't want to workout today if it's only going to make things worse.

Thanks for any advice. :)

Only a Dr. will be able to tell you if it's a stress fracture but I would definitely stay off of it until you know for sure. A month is a long time to have pain so I would assume that it's something that needs time to heal. Maybe you can focus on upper body work and floor legs for a while.

Good luck w/ your appointment, I hope its something minor :)
Thank you for answering me. That's what I thought, too, but I just feel better getting a second opinion from this forum. :)

I am going to make an appointment for tomorrow.

It could be Plantar Fascitis. Either way DO NOT continue to workout. I know it's very hard to take. You can bike, or swim. But, do not run or do Cathe step or lower body tapes. Last year I was training for a marathon and I had a similar thing pain that felt like it was the bone on the side of my foot. Many people I talked to thought it might be a stress fracture, it turned out to be Plantar Fascitis. I'm still fighting with it a year later. Never got to run my marathon. In the mean time you can do runner stretch for calve muscles. Take ibuprofen as anti-inflamatory, use ice, and elevate. Do not go barefoot, where supportive shoes at all times. Go see the doctor.
Good luck and I'm sorry,
It sounds like it could be PF to me too.

As far as the shoes go if your not wearing the right ones or if the right ones are worn out you can get an injury. Unfortunately new shoes does not heal it!:) If only this were so!

I'm training for a marathon and I just took a week off from running to let the tendinitis in my ankle calm down. I go to the gym (you can usually get a one month membership or even day passes) and use the ellipitical about three times a week for non impact training that resembles running. (At least more than anything else does.) I also ice it for about 15 minutes several times a day and take ibuprofen twice a day. That week I wasn't running I concentrated on weight training. I'm back running now and feel fine but I'm still icing my ankle.

Of course you should go to the doctor but the main thing is to stop any high impact exercise until you figure out what's going on.

Good luck to you! I know how frustrating an injury can be.x(
It's hard being sidelined.:(
<Either way DO NOT continue to workout>

That's the most important part in this thread, so thought I'd tell you again. Unfortunately, it's also the most difficult!! Good luck. I'm glad you're seeing a doctor.
Thank you all for your advice, and YES it's horrible news to take, just when I was really getting my exercise regime underway and heading for that 1/2 marathon. BUT, I agree, I don't want to make it worse and have a much longer recovery.

I did go and see my family nurse (dr. was wayyy unavailable and I didn't want to wait). She thought that I probably strained some ligaments or tendons, but gave me the same exact advice as you all did. Stay off of it, take ibuprofin, wrap it in an ace bandage if possible and keep it elevated.

How depressing. I will keep this up for a week and see how it goes. I'll give some low impact a try then and see what happens.

Thanks again.


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