positive Trisomy 18 AFP screen

Hi! No need to reply to this, but I wanted to follow up with all of you- I FINALLY got the final amnio results today, after 16 days of waiting (they said it would take 7). But it was worth the wait.

The findings show that the baby has a "balanced male karyotype- 46, XY", a perfectly normal boy! And there is a photo of the chromosomes, all lined up like little soldiers, and labelled, and there are no extras :)

I can't explain the relief I feel, not that it has even sunk in yet. WHat a month this has been. Thanks again for all your kind words.


I said a prayer before I even scrolled down - what a relief!!

I'm so happy the wait is over and now you can really enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

> The findings show that the baby has a "balanced male
>karyotype- 46, XY", a perfectly normal boy! And there is a
>photo of the chromosomes, all lined up like little soldiers,
>and labelled, and there are no extras :)

Wonderful news!!!
I'm so glad that you'll be able to enjoy your PG now!
30 weeks
Oh Lisa! I'm crying tears of joy for you! Praise God!!! Go & enjoy your pregnancy now to it's fullest. In no time at all you'll be holding your perfectly & wonderfully made bundle of joy in your arms. :D

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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