popping noise in shoulder?


Every time I do shoulders, esp. front raises...I hear a "popping" noise. It doesn't hurt much, but sometimes it does bother me. Anyone know what that could be all about???
I often hear 'crunching' noises in my shoulders and knees with no pain. My DH (a physical therapist), says that there is probably nothing wrong and some sounds are quite normal. However, if you're having pain, I would modify the exercise or do something else. I know that if I sleep on one side too long, I also tend to get pain in my shoulders that dissipates with time. If the pain continues or gets worse, I would go and see someone about it though.

Hi Alicia, this is pretty common. Anatomically the shoulder is the busiest joint of the body ('spagetti junction' is how it was taught to me in anatomy and kinesiology). With all of the musculature, tendons, ligaments, nerves....coursing out of the neck, through the shoulder girdle and navigating their way to the arm up, over and around boney prominences popping and clicking are pretty much an inevitability for most us. Tinkering with your form might help, try retracting (pulling together) your shoulder blades a bit more and lifting the crown of the head as if it is being gently pulled up by a thread. A bit more softeness in the elbows may help as well. If there is considerable pain you risk inflammation or a repetitive strain. If your shoulder feels vulnerable then bail!! Shoulder injuries can take a ridiculously long time to heal. You might consider seeing a physiotherapist if only for the assessment to get a more specific idea of the source of the popping. HTH. :)

Take Care
I hear alot of crunching noises when I do the divebomber pushups in Drillmax. Doesn't hurt but it did make me go "hmmmm?"
I get a popping noise in my shoulders when I do chest presses lying on the step, and sometimes with overhead presses as well. It doesn't hurt though. Although I don't like the sound of it, I ignore it mostly. My ankles/feet also make a cracking noise when I do lunges. Maybe I've just got loud joints. :7

"Where there's a will, there's a way."
Thank you all...
Laurie, thanks for all your info! I'm gonna try some of your suggestions.
I like to think I'm invincible.....but, unfortunately, my body keeps reminding that I'm NOT!x(
If it starts to hurt alot (right now I'd say no, it doesn't hurt too much)I'll check out the doctor.
Thanks again

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