<---pop goes the weasel.........

<--is back from the gym and a sweaty mess
<--had a very intense workout
<--was thinking of Tammy as she passed all the parents unloading their kids at college
<--says there's a new building here that serves as extra space for colleges with limited dorm space, and the neighborhood is swarming with fresh, young college faces and weary-looking parent faces
<--thinks Nola's looks pretty good, but not as good as Migaro (name?)
<--would LOVE to come to Ame's party
<--has started to have an idea for a GTG that might work, but must do much research before telling about it
<--thinks Mel is VERY lucky that the kids were never interested in Barney, and thinks they have great taste because they're watching Spongebob
<--loves Spongebob
<--thinks Ame is pretty cute with her comments to DH
<--is totally with Tammy on the unsocial thing
<--is a dyed-in-the-wool homebody
<--sometimes wishes she had a life, but is not willing to leave home to have one :p
<--says DT is the same way, so we are pretty much joined at the hip except when I'm at work or he's out cycling
<--says we are the opposite of Ame and her DH, and neither extreme is probably all that healthy, right?
<--must take a shower, then do Coremax
<--will BBL
-Ms. Sweatypants
<---waves afternoon to Shelley Ironwoman
<---is impressed by Shell's w/o
<---seems to have missed TiG's post earlier
<---waves to TiGGer who obviously had much fun last night
<---hopes TiG is still feeling better
<---^5 Ms. Sweatypants on the w/o
<---will also always choose Spongebob over Barney
<---like Ame <---will never be able to get off the looney express:p
<---is considering a "light" bout on <---'s elliptical cause <---needs to sweat and get blood flowing again before <---becomes even MORE looney
<---wonders if <---will pass out
<---must first retrieve laundry from dryer
<--- is lol at the chatter here today
<--- was also a middle child and thinks she turned out the best in her fam damily
<--- is the most self-sufficient, self-reliant, practical person in her damily
<--- is also the meanest, nastiest, most outspoken, loud mouth of the bunch:eek: :p :7
<--- is very much like Tammy and the older she gets the more reclusive she becomes
<--- is not the least bit unhappy aboot that
<--- thinks what it really boils down to is that <--- has gotten to be very picky about who she is willing to spend time with
<--- is an avid call screener and never answers her door unless she is expecting company or a delivery
<--- is glad Shelley enjoyed her sweat fest on the elliptical
<--- cannot understand those who say they don't get a good cardio w/o on the elliptical--says it can raise her HR through the roof!
<--- is glad Nance enjoyed her time at the gym
<--- is with Ame and doesn't like the gym so much
<--- used to like it but she grew weary of it and no longer liked the atmosphere
<--- wants to come to Ame's party:)
<--- wants Sis to feel better NOW and gives her a big hug
<--- cannot remember anything else she read ^^^ there but needs to run
<--- has to pick up something for dinner
<--- has not done any w/o today because she has been thoroughly DOMSified by yesterday's w/o and just really can't do one today
<--- is ROTFLHAO at sis's comment
<--- says trust <---, <--- never thought that would happen, either
<--- says it's so good to have her sis back because <--- really missed your constant nagging <--- to w/o:p :7
<--waves hi to Ms. Lee
<--tells her <-- is the one who is always moaning about not being able to get her heart rate up on the elliptical
<--would love to be able to get a good workout on the elliptical, but <--'s legs just poop out
<--probably has a strong heart and weak legs
<--is apparently wedded for life to the TM, without variety :(
Ms. Poopylegs
ETA: <--thinks pigs must be flying now that Michele is working out more than Mel!
<--is sure things will be back to normal in no time ;)
<---would love to go to Amy's for cake
<---would also love to go to Nancy's GTG
<---thanks Miss Lee for clarifying that <--- is not antisocial..just picky about whom <---wants to spend her time with:7:7:7
<---hopes Tig is feeling better
<---joins Melody in the LaundryMax
<---congratulates Shelley on the impressive workout
<---loves rainy days
<--- is lol at Nance's flying pig comment
<--- tells Nance that the elliptical gives your lower body a great w/o, and as the strength and endurance in your legs improves gradually over time, so will your aerobic benefits
<--- has fairly strong legs
<--- tells Nance she's not alone and that several people on the forums have stated they don't get a good cardio w/o on the elliptical trainer
<--- doesn't like the dread...er...treadmill:7
<--- says the treadmill for <--- is like a brutal form of punishment:7
<--- was going to say something totally unrelated to ^^^ but cannot remember what it was
<---is home from VT trip
<---was pleasantly suprised to see much e mail and feels like a modern girl now
<---was especially happy to get email from sister, who has been away fighting forest fires all month
<---tried to read ^^^ and yesterday's thread, but the letters just kept swirling arond and not making sense
<---saw something about cake, love-hate, sweaty woman and George pestering Gracie
<---didn't comprehend much else
<---has to go
<---says dear friends just arrived with pizza
<---will try to catch up with you dear friends later
<-- is glad Ms. Lee has finally found a cardio she enjoys
<-- has recently enjoyed a 90 min nap
<-- feels the same as everyone else about being reclusive
<-- just doesn't get the opportunity when trying to make money in her life
<-- says it all goes to the bipolar aspect of <-- in that <-- wants to be around people and not around people
<-- thinks BC only works because <-- is good at it, <-- is in charge }( , and <-- is in charge }( }(
<-- forgot what else <-- was saying
<-- is glad DH came home last night with bottles of wine other people had left at the hotel after weddings, etc
<-- now has <-- think 4 bottles of Veuve Clicquot under the bed in here :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
<-- still has not worked out yet :-(
<-- will read maybe 20-30 min and then do hopefully Body Max

ETA: <-- tells Nance it's http://www.milagroscantina.com/ and they own Nolas too, which is why we're going to check it out
ETAA: <-- frantically waves hello to Robinella and <-- is glad she had a better time than she thought she might
<---flaps wings while saying oink oink:+
<---may become a flying pig before stamina comes back
<---waves welcome home to Robin
<---is happy to know Robin is safely home
<---waves again to sis, Nancy, Tammy & Ame
<---started with 10 mins on dreadmill moved to elliptical and lasted 18 mins then fell to floor and did PH abs and stretch
<---thinks this sucks
<---is now crawling underneath Ame's bed}(
<---sticks head from beneath bed long enough to ask, what Nancy GTG?
<---crawls back under Ame's bed
<---can't find a dang thing in all this junk under here:eek: :+
<--- thinks the elliptical is contagious!
<--- did an elliptical WO too and also sweated immensly !
<--- add for Shelly <--- also did pyramid chest only and 3 nasty sets of pushups ( this is one body part per week time)
<--- welcomes Robin home
<--- waves to Michele!!! hope she love DOMS!
<--- smiles at Melody and thanks her for kind reply
<--- wonder when Tammy's DS goes to U of R ???

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<---waves good evening to everyone
<---has enjoyed reading the goings-on here and thinks it sounds like the day has been pretty good for all
<---has been going nonstop all day
<---culminated the busy day by making Lebanese Vegetable Soup, hummus and fresh-baked bread
<---has a rather incredible amount of soup left over - anybody want some?
<---thinks it's quite tasty
<---needs to find a good cookbook for a one-person household
<---must go wash the dishes now, then wash self, then crash on the couch, ice the knees and finally get off the feet!
<---is looking forward to the upcoming 4-day week!
<---just has to work M-Th, then vacation starts!!!!
<---will see you ladies tomorrow
<--did Coremax without the obliques, so it only took about 15 mins.
<--has a fear that working her obliques will increase her waistline, and has never had satisfactory evidence that it won't
<--says was just having some thoughts for a GTG that might work, but needs to do a bit of research
<--says it essentially involves finding a resort hotel in or near the Catskills or the Berkshires or thereabouts
<--thought that might be a sort of central location for many of us, and worth flying in for for those who are further away, because it would be a weekend of activities, not just a dinner
<--realized when she was trying to plan an NYC GTG, that there were lots of problems: i.e. outrageously expensive hotels, having to organize activities, etc. and that this might solve a lot of them
<--says, anyway, its just a germ of an idea
-Ms. NP
<---envies Shannon's upcoming vacation
<---has a crazy week of housework and shopping to do before arrival of houseguests for weekend, when <---will be working
<---will be glad when next weekend is over and guests are gone, because weekend after that is Gran Prix Festival in Watkins Glen
<---loves the Grand Prix Festival
<---gets to drive all over Finger Lakes in sexy sports car, meet nice people and have big party in downtown Watkins Glen
<---has to go do some google research about all the next places we drove past in VT this weekend, but had to only look longingly at because mother has bad knees and can't walk
<---waves to Judy, Shannon, Nancy and Robin
<---thinks Nancy's GTG sounds wonderful
<---knows <---can't make any GTG for a way looooooong time
<---is intrigued by Robin and the sexy sports car
<--tells Mel the GTG, if it ever happens, would be a way long time off, after Wil is all healed and back to his usual trouble-making :D
<--is also fascinated by Robin and the sexy sports car
-Ms. Squidwardpants
<---needs a sexy sports car:7
<---has a message from Wil: "I have to hurry and go to bed because I lost a tooth and I want the tooth fairy to come and leave me a dollar. I am saving my money to build a house and take care of my mom forever. My dad can come live with me too."
<---asks does <---have the perfect life or what:7
<---sees Robin's sexy car explanation vvv
<---for a moment thought Robin knew what she was talking aboot:p
<---says Hey Nancy, what about the Poconos?
<---tells you all my DH has 2 sports cars, a '73 TR6 and an '80 MGB
Both have been "hot-rodded" by tearing out the old engine and replacing them with a Chevy small block in the Triumph and a Pontiac Quad Four HO in the MG. Sounds like <---knows what <---'m talking about, doesn't it. These are direct quotes from DH. All <---knows is they go real fast and sound real good and when we show up, everyone clusters around and askes DH to lift the hood. Then they all ohhh and ahhh knowingly.
<---says the Grand Prix starts with a road rally Friday morning, lunch, then 2 laps of the original Grand Prix racecourse through Watkins Glen. Then you park downtown and wander around looking at everyone's car and drinking lots of beer. Late afternoon, the real vintage race cars come into town and do a race re-enactment, which is hugely exciting. Check out www.grandprixfestival.com. The rest of the weekend is spent at the racetrack out of town where the real race cars race. We skip that Sat and do the wineries.
<---apologizes by getting carried away with above
<---says someday when <---gets around to doing a picture trail, it will include pictures of <---with the cars
<---thinks Melody has the perfect life and the perfect combination on boys
<---sends them all squeezy hugs, unless, as boys, they would prefer to rassel?

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