Actually, with all the option responses, streaming accounts for over half of the responses. At least so far.I have just casted my vote. Dvds are still the big chunk of cathe's sales. Not streaming!
Her DVDs are always high quality and worth purchasing.Dvds are still the big chunk of cathe's sales. Not streaming!
Wonder if it might be split in customer base that use her forum but not a split in her actual customer base?Actually, with all the option responses, streaming accounts for over half of the responses. At least so far.
Yeah, polls on the forum are definitely a limited selection of Cathletes. Cathe/SNM would obviously have the real data.Wonder if it might be split in customer base that use her forum but not a split in her actual customer base?
Actually, shipping is usually free worldwide if the series is >$50, otherwise you can usually get free shipping if you purchase another DVD to bring the total to >$50. Even better, with the presale deal offered, the extra DVD would ship immediately for free and then the series would ship for free when it was released. What made me switch from DVDs to downloads was because the last series I purchased on DVD took over a month to get to me because of Covid and shipping delays, normally it would take 6-10 days. Then once I tried OnDemand I never bothered with DVDs again. No more worries about shipping delays. Also, my DVD shelf is full.I can understand someone living overseas with the cost of shipping having to choose to go the download/streaming route though
I'm DVD's with some purchased live downloads. I have gotten some downloads with DVD sales like the Boss bands and loops and STS 2. But I always reach for the DVD's. I like the live downloads I have purchases - sometimes I do more of them instead of the DVD's.I depend on my DVDs. I have not made the plunge to LIVE or On Demand. Hoping to maybe next year but DVDs are my crutch.
Her DVDs are always high quality and worth purchasing.
I can understand someone living overseas with the cost of shipping having to choose to go the download/streaming route though
i could not agree more.![]()
Yeah, polls on the forum are definitely a limited selection of Cathletes. Cathe/SNM would obviously have the real data.
They'd probably need to be contacted directly to find out what the real breakdown is in total customer base (not just those of us who visit the forum.)It would be great to have SNM/Cathe opinion on this poll. Do these poll reflect facts.
I understand that completely. When I first moved into my home, my internet speed was 20 mbps. Then eventually it went to 30. Then I switched because another company came in and offered phone and internet so now my internet speed is 800. We recently considered moving and I cannot believe how much I had to keep saying no to certain locations because of the no internet. I have gotten very spoiled and I do feel bad for those that don't have it or is unreliable. So I hope Cathe keeps making dvds for those people who don't have the streaming option.I think most people aren't aware that not everyone can easily connect to the internet. When we first moved to our current location, semi-rural, my phone service used the Sprint network & I would have to drive a mile down the road to our major shopping district to make any lengthy phone call because service was so spotty. And wired phone service was not available - AT&T refused to even come out to see if we could be hooked up even though their pole is at the end of our driveway. We'd take the laptop to the coffee shop or local restaurants during low-use times to use their wifi to get on the internet. We switched to Verizon which had a little better service (it's gotten better) and used their little hot-spot thingy for internet, but it was metered & extremely expensive. We were finally able to get cable internet (and phones) about 5 years ago. It's great in comparison. So I get not having internet, or having crappy or expensive service. When I lived in the city, I didn't have these issues and didn't give it a second thought.