PMS + eating


During the beginning of "that time of the month", I crave- and eat- lots of sugary stuff, like chocolate and cookies. I know this isn't uncommon, but is it really bad that I'm letting myself eat like this? It's not like I'm gaining 10 lbs in 2 days, but I'm still curious.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-02 AT 09:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi there,

Actually, no . . . it's not bad for you to do this. During that time of the month, our bodies do require different things to help get started or to support ourselves through our heavy days.

I know for me, during that time, I will eat like a PIG! I'm not kidding either. If I try to control it, I'll binge. If I don't I'll eat but not as bad if I were to binge. So, I eat. Then after I'm done, I almost always lose weight. I'm still trying to get some weight off, it's not like I have a lot to lose, but I always lose it once it's done.

If your body is craving it, then you need to eat it. If it's an emotional thing (which can be tricky to identify at times) then work on the emotional issue.

Cravings are chemical! But careful, this isn't "permission" per se to overeat, just until you're satisfied and can continue on with your daily activities. ;-)

I really believe this deeply, if your body craves it, give it! Otherwise your body will get you in the end. I'd much rather just give in and allow it to help me instead of making things worse for me.

Just my thoughts.

Keta. :D

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I really tried to stick to my WW's plan last week, and I binged. I was so hungry, no matter what I ate, my stomach growled. Next month, I am going to increase my calories a little bit. I struggle with this every month. i also bought some Progesterone Cream I am going to start using. I am almost 39, and my PMS is unbearable. Maybe it will help even out my hormones a little, and help with the pMS symptons. We will see.
RE: PMS eating

I agree with Keta, I've tried to restrain myself during "TTOTM" only to binge and be worse off than if I had just gone on and eaten whatever it was I craved.
What's sort of worked for me is if I'm going to crave chocolate, then I'll get a 6 pack of the Jello fat free chocolate pudding snacks, they're only 100 cal/0 fat, so I don't stray too far off. Heck, I figure even if I ate the entire 6 pack in one setting it's still only a 600 calorie splurge (I've done worse with Ben & Jerry's!), or if I'm craving the "salty pleasures", I'll get a bag of Lays "WOWS" potato chips, they're only 70 cal per serving, and 0 fat, and the bag only holds 5 servings, so worst case scenario= 350 cal/0 fat.
This PMS thing is still new to me, I never had it until I turned 38 last December, and it's taken these past few months for me to realize that it's stronger than I am, so since I can't beat it, I'll trick it!
So far, finding lower cal/fat treat alternatives has worked. I feed the craving, but I don't feel guilty nor do I do much damage calorie wise.
Just a suggestion :)
RE: PMS eating

Here's a tidbit from a web article that might help:

PMS and Appetite Surges

There is a theory that the common PMS response of increased appetite with cravings
for carbohydrates may be caused by low serotonin levels. The theory is that when
serotonin levels are low, the brain signals the body to eat carbohydrates, which in turn
stimulates the production of serotonin from its naturally occurring amino acid "building
block." Just in case women have ever wondered why their appetites seem out of
control and willpower goes out the window during PMS, factors as strong as brain
chemicals and hormone production may be powerful influences over behavior and
physical cravings.

As one PMS patient describes, "I'm swollen, bloated and my weight increases five to
ten pounds every month. I even have special clothes I save for PMS days. I feel fat and
bloated, and it's as though there's a hungry monster inside me craving to be fed. As
soon as my period starts, the monster goes away, and my normal appetite returns.
However, every month it's a vicious cycle. It makes it hard to stabilize my weight and
maintain a positive body image."

Although there is scientific substantiation for appetite increases and food cravings
associated with PMS, there is value in following special, individually prescribed diets
for PMS patients. Restricting sugar, salt and fat content generally helps decrease
bloating and swelling, while avoiding caffeine, sugar, nicotine, and alcohol eases
irritability and improves sleep patterns. Dietary recommendations for PMS sufferers
vary from woman to woman, and because women with PMS can have other underlying
conditions such as hypoglycemia and high blood pressure, special assessment and
management are necessary prior to making dietary recommendations.

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