pls help me decide


Active Member
is it possible to play the terminator workouts leaving out the weight sections so that it's strictly a cardio workout?
i already have kpc/lg and power hour + dvds. i want some cardio and some strength building. should i get ctx, imax2 & c+W, cardiokicks + circuit max or does someone else have another recommendation?
one last thing...are the pyramids much more strength focussed than MIS?
thanks for your help.:)
Hi!! Yes you can just do cardio, you go to the main menu and right from there you go to the mix & match menu. You will see each section of the workout. You click on the cardio you want and play it but once that cardio is done it will go straight back to that mix & match menu, then you would go to what ever cardio you want then repeat. Also if your dvd is programable you can just make up your own workout taking each section of the cardio but you have to know the title and chapter of them of course and program it and it will play. You would have to look in your DVD manaul to know how to do this. I've done it a few times but it does take a while to program it. Hope I made sense. Just by reading I think I am a little confuse. Let me know. Take care.
thanks. my dvd player isnt programmable i dont think but i'm not certain. do you think this workout dvd is better than cardio with weights/imax2 and circuit max/cardio kickbox?

another question for you: are pyramids much harder than MIS?

>thanks. my dvd player isnt programmable i dont think but i'm
>not certain. do you think this workout dvd is better than
>cardio with weights/imax2 and circuit max/cardio kickbox?

I think that IMO The Terminator is better just because you have a little bit of all but the Pyramids on 1 dvd and like I said you can mix & match. The Imax/C&W is a great video. There is a few premixes on it which are great. I love the Imax 2. If I were you I would get this one just because you don't have all the cardio on the Terminater video and it is set up to do 10 Intervals or you can use the premixes and do 5 interval which I do sometimes.
>another question for you: are pyramids much harder than MIS?

I hardly do MIS so I can't give you my thoughts but I really love the Pyramids. So I guess I would say The Pyramids. It is very tough. I remember when I first did this video I couldn't move for a week
thanks a lot! that really helps. i think i'll buy the pyramids and the imax2 plus c+w dvd. hmmm but maybe i should also get CTX bc it gives you so many cardio options. if i already own body max, is the ctx upper body work just almost the same as what you get on the end of the body max workout? just curious as i'd rather get something new than repeat what i already have, esp with only wanting to buy a couple more dvds...

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