Please pray....


I had emailed a friend a few days ago whom I hadn't heard from in a while. He was expecting his first baby soon...I heard back from him this morning...

Turns out he had a son born at only 29 weeks at the beginning of January due to his wife developing preeclampsia and going into kidney failure. My friend has been LIVING at the hospital where is son is being cared for when he's not in work, as you can well imagine. His son has many troubles but is doing well despite them, atleast for now... They are, ofcourse, hoping for the best but are not out of the woods yet...From what I am gathering, his wife emerged from this okay. He did not mention that she has had any further difficulties since the delivery.

Please pray or do whatever you can do for this little boy.

Sorry to hear about your friend and I will definitely keep him in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us updated!
Tigger - I'm very sorry to hear about your friend's situation, but today there is so much hope for premature babies! I work at a hospital, and the OB-GYN department here has developed a program that is being used as a national model for situations like this. Here is the link:

I do a lot of writing for the ANGELS program, as well as the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and I am utterly amazed at the wonderful ways they can help families like this.
I am so sorry ... I will most definitely keep your friend and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
Wendy one of my firends had her 2 twin boys at 26 weeks. They were only a pound and a half at birth. They are now 3 and a half years old and into everything. They are a little behind on a few things, like talking and communication. But otherwise they are healthy little boys.
I'm just letting you know this so you can let your friend now that there is hope for his little one. He can survive this, and live a normal life.
In the mean time thought I will keep them in my thoughts.

Oh TiGGeR, I'm so sorry. Your friend and his family will be remembered in my prayers. I agree with Shannon that there's plenty of room for hope.

Thanks ladies!:+

I forgot to mention that aside from the difficulties and dangers that prematurity brings on...the baby has been diagnosed with MS...his mom was diagnosed with it about a year ago-it runs in her this poor little guy has troubles from that as well...his lungs are weaker than your "average" or "normal" child due to the MS and other muscles in his body are affected as well. His poor mom has been through hell and back lately...first she was diagnosed with MS and then with cancer....she had a tumor the size of a football in her uterus! I believe I posted about that when she had the operation to remove it. They weren't even sure she could get pregnant again! Well she did, and THIS had to happen! I thought that they were finally going to catch a break in this world....= (

My friend has health issues as well...I know he has kidney troubles that plague him as well as other issues.

I feel so bad for them...I just want to cry.;(

Sorry to dump....

Thanks for listening and thanks again for the prayers and hopes and well wishes for thier little bundle of joy!:)

So sorry to hear about your friend, and I will be saying a prayer for them tonight.

My dd was born at 26 weeks. She was 878gms at birth(1 lb 14 oz 0 just about 15oz), and dropped to about 794gms shortly thereafter. I have an incompetent cervix, and my uterus began opening at 24 weeks. As a result, my water broke, and I remained in the hospital on bedrest in the Trendleburg position until I developed an infection in the amniotic sac, and they had to deliver her immediately (via c-sect because she was breech). During the months she was in the NICU, success stories of other children with similar beginnings brought my dh and I so much comfort and hope that I'm sharing this with you. My dd is now a healthy, beautiful, and bright 10 year old. The only remaining indicator of her early days in the nicu is the fact that she wears glasses (her doctors told us she would probably need them due to the length of time she was on oxygen). I truly hope and pray your friend's baby will survive this challenge unharmed.


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