Please post your family dinner menu ideas......


I was just wondering what all of you nutrition wise people cook regularly for meals. I find that I get stuck in ruts and keep serving the same thing over and over - like a 2 week rotation. My kids are 9 & 12 and picky eaters and my hubby and I are trying to eat more healthy.

I was wondering if you could all please post a main meal and any side dishes you might offer with it. Please include the recipe if needed. I like to use everyday ingredients and have little time to whip something up. I also love to use the slow cooker and grill. I can't wait to hear your ideas....... :9

Thanks so much!

I have an idea. How about you send me your e-mail address... and I'll send you the Cathe cookbook?;)

Now, keep in mind that this is not CATHE'S cookbook. It's a bunch of recipes (mostly clean) that were submitted by Catheites last year and compiled into a sort of cookbook. It's in Word format. If you'd like a copy, I'd be more than happy to mail it to you:)

I remember that cook book. Will you send me a copy as well? I never did get a copy of it. [email protected]

What can I do for you in return? I'm almost afraid of the answer, but I'll be brave.}(

Now, to answer the dinner question.

My honey and I will be going out to visit with the younguns this year. We should have all kinds of fun.

The idea is to die young as late as possible.
uh oh shell. you done did it. phhhhhhbt. ;)


Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.
--Dave Barry
Hi Angie!

I make a menu a month in advance for my family. If I can get your email address then I will email you a few month's copies to look at to get some ideas. Like you, I got tired of eating the same stuff over and over again so I began making a menu about 8 years ago for about 2 weeks at a time. However about 1 1/2 years ago I started doing it for a whole month instead.
I would like a copy as well -- but still I would like to hear if anyone else can share their family dinner plan -- I think it would be a good thread.

my email address is [email protected] I can give you my address to send Cathe's book. Also I would like to include postage if you know how much it would probably cost let me know.

May get a copy as well?:) When I get a chance later I will try to post a couple of meal ideas that I use. I have a few good ones that are quick but i could use some more. I just went to a Southern Living party (like papmered chef but stuff for your house) last night and I ordered a cookbook for slow cookers. I love to use my crockpot but I just don't have many recipes for it.

How can the rest of us get Cathe's cookbook without bugging Shelly? She could end up at the computer all day sending requests out!
Hi Angie,

Congrats on choosing to live healthier!

Once a week I make a bean & veggie soup or chili, and chop up a bunch of fresh veggies for a big ready-to-dress salad. A couple times a week I cook double or triple servings of whole pasta and low-sugar spaghetti sauce, or meat for burritos. I keep my freezer stocked with Boca burgers, veggie burgers, veggies, and a few frozen Kashi meals for those times when I need something healthy, fast, and mindless. lol

I just bought my sister a crockpot cookbook called Fix-it and Forget-It Lightly. I haven't used any of the recipes, yet, but many sounded quite good, easy and quick.

Hope that helps, good luck!

Connie :)
Crock Pot Roast ..

.. Season roast as you prefer (I use season salt and garlic salt and pepper .. sometimes some cajun spices) ... put roast in crock pot . . then cut 2 or 3 tomatoes up (or diced tomatoes from the can) .. add baby carrots, celery, onion and potatoes if you want .. add a little water to the bottom of the crock pot .. slow cook for 6 - 8 hours .. if you put on before leaving for work .. put on lowest setting and it will be ready when you get home ..

so easy and ssooooooooo good!

I love soup, so I make some at least once a week. It's very east to throw together a quick minestrone, if you have chicken stock (I get the big box of organic ones at Cosco) or veggie stock, fresh or froz veggies, lots of beans, and tomatoes. Top with parmesan. I've also been making one I got off a soup thread I started here a while back... think it was Shelley's recipe, as a matter of fact... that is a red lentil/butternup squash one that I'm totally addicted to now. Search "soup" to find that thread and you'll get lots of yummy recipes!

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