Please I need advice


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<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-00 AT 06:21PM (EST)</font></center>

Hello Cathe & Fans

I have heard so much about cathe and I know her videos are advanced. I have exercised on and off in the past, but have decided to stick to it this time. I do have a question! I was reading at health central that you should not strength train if you are more than 40 pounds overweight. It stated that when you are 25 pounds away from your goal to begin strength training. But it says to do some lite toning. Okay since I mostly did aerobics can somone please clarify this for me! Thank you all for your time and for caring!
can't wait for the experts to weigh in

I read just the opposite last week from a cyber personal trainer. His position was that most cardio activities are too stressfull on the joints if one is significantly overweight & he gets people started on weight training to rev up their metabolism first.

I'm not an expert, but it seems that the weight training will help keep your metabolism revved up by building muscle while restricting calories. It'll also strengthen joints for more vigorous cardio activities later.

Looking forward to the experts response to your question.
I'm with Debra

There's no reason not to weight train if you are overweight. I just read that weight training has a cardiovascular effect and, of course, adding muscle burns more calories overall. It's a great place to start toward dropping those pounds!
I agree with Debra & BLF but,

You should also do some cardio. Don't cut out any-thing. you need to get strength, cardio, and flexibility training. With all of these though, start easy-moderate and work your way up. Maybe start with walking and some 5lb dumbells and some easy stretches. Just make sure you keep advancing,but not too soon,every 6-8 weeks maybe. It's different for everybody. I hope this helps. Good Luck!! Let us know how it's going!!

Did not mean to suggest that weight work alone was the way to go. I totally agree with Aimee that fitness for ALL of us includes strength, cardio & flexibility (all resting on nutrition).
Aerobics burns more bodyfat

People who are significantly overweight should focus on aerobics because it burns more total calories and bodyfat. Yes, strength training will increase muscle mass and boost the metabolism, but it will probably take longer to see changes in weight and bodyfat levels (unless its in the aerobic zone.)
Circuit type training that incorporates aerobics and weight training is probably the most efficent way to go (time-wise). But,if you HAD to choose between one or the other, you would probably see more dramatic changes in weight loss with aerobics vs. strength training.
Like Debra pointed out, Fitness includes cardio, strength, and flexibility. But, you may want to focus on one area at first and then build on from there. Best of luck to you, Yas

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