Please HELP


New Member
I've never done Cathe video's before, but feel like I'm hooked already by just reading the amazing reviews. I need a solid plan for working out 6 days a wk at home. I've been working out with weights for about 6 months at a gym with a personal trainer but it is getting too expensive.
I had my 2nd baby 1 yr ago and have been having an EXTREMELY hard time losing the last 15lbs this time around. I obviously need to add cardio to the weight training to get the weight off but might as well do the weights at home too as her videos sound good enough to do so. I was about to buy various videos from CollageVideos when I kept seeing Cathe's name pop up. I went to her web site and there are too many to choose from and too confusing.

What do you expert exerciser Cathe fans suggest for a 5-6 day plan? I'm willing to do WHATEVER it takes!! Money isn't an issue although I don't want to buy every video, I can add on later but need a good collection to get me started on rotating weights and cardio.
I'm new to step as well, usually just get on the threadmill but that;s too boring (I saw she has a basic step + fusion)..

Sorry for the lengthy posting:)
1. Get a 5-disc DVD player

2. Get the Cross Train Express (CTX) series and its shirttail cousin Circuit Max + Cardio Kicks

3. Get the Timesaver DVD from the Body Blast Series

4. Get either of the following series in their entirety:

The Intensity Series (Interval Max 2 + Cardio+Weights, Pyramid Upper and Lower Body, Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance; and the);

The Body Blast Series (KickPunchCrunch + Legs and Glutes; SuperSets + Push-Pull, Step Jump Pump + Step Blast).

(Hey - you said money isn't an issue.)

5. Perform a 6-week rotation that alternates the Cross Train Express series (a 6-workout series) one week with the Timesaver DVD (5 complete cardio + strength workouts), each of these strictly as produced;

6. With weeks 7-8, do whichever cardio and strength segments you wish from Timesaver and Cross Train Express, making sure to hit all the major muscle groups, AND make time for the Circuit Max workout and the Cardio Kicks workout;

7. During weeks 7-8, come back here and post your progress AND the other series you've bought, and solicit suggestions for a 6-8 week rotation that incorporates your new series.

I would definitely get the Intensity Series!! It's a good one to start out with, because it has everything. These are advanced and if you get Fittv, Cathe has a Cardio Blast series which features all of her more recent workouts. Some of the workout is cut out do to time constraints, but it will give you an idea of what dvds you will most like to purchase. Have Fun!!:)
I'm especially proud of how I wrote " . . . and the" with precisely NOTHING following the "the" -

HELP-finder: what I meant to write in my fantasy was The Terminator DVD from the Intensity Series; Terminator is a 3-workout salad of footage from all of the other workouts in the series, and is just the cat's pajamas for circuit-style workouts.

thank you for the quick response and all the good info. A couple of questions to your response:
1)when I buy a series is it designed to work like this:disk 1 on day 1, disk 2 on day 2 etc, so at the end of the week you've worked everything without overworking a certain body part, or do you have to figure out your own weekly schedule using the workouts it comes with?
2)I'm a beginner to step if I buy ctx or whatever program will I be to overwhelmed and lost or should I just go for it and eventually learn it? or start with her basic step to introduce me to it?

thanks again
Hello again, Angelique!

The Cross Train Express series and the Timesaver DVD are structured so that you can complete one workout per day as originally produced / mixed, and by the end of your workout week you will indeed have hit all the majors in terms of cardio in varying modes AND strength training for all the major muscle groups. That's the beauty of each of these series or DVD: it takes a lot of the guesswork out of getting started.

IMHO the step sections of CTX and Timesaver will take a bit of time to master in terms of choreography. But only a bit of time. You should just go for it and you will eventually learn it; that's why I suggested you do an alternating-week rotation of each of these series / DVD's as produced so that you can practice the footwork. Certainly, if the Basic Step DVD is of interest to you you can add that in to your shopping list.

It's so hard to recommend because we love everything & we want everyone to have everything!:D

I agree with Annette - sounds like a great plan for starting out.

Ruth :)
I vote for the intensity series. In this series you have step interval cardio with IMAX 2,a fantastic workout bootcamp, a resistance weight trainng ME, cardio and weight and a fantastic workout of strenght with weight the pyramids. I love this series more than the BB series and the music is perfect.You are gonna love it.
I vote for the intensity series. In this series you have step interval cardio with IMAX 2,a fantastic workout bootcamp, a resistance weight trainng ME, cardio and weight and a fantastic workout of strenght with weight the pyramids. I love this series more than the BB series and the music is perfect.You are gonna love it.
Another vote for the Intensity Series. They are good, solid *tough* workouts that have a lot of variety and work well in a rotation. They are tough enough that you have lots of room to grow in them...I can't imagine getting to a point where I outgrew them fitness wise. Imax 2 is a lot of fun (well, they all are!).

I also like the CTX series because it really is in a format that is supposed to be used as a weekly rotation. I think it's more fun to have a short cardio followed by weights. Gives you some variety every day.

Good luck deciding.
Hi Angelique,

I was going to suggest that you get the intensity series and CTX. Then I read A-Jocks suggestions.....hmm... you have such good advice. I am so glad I have almost all of Cathe's workouts or I would be spending more money.

happy shopping,
When I discovered cathe I thoughtI only need two dvd. They were ctx and the timesaver.When I did those workouts I was so surprised. They were better that I have seen in the videoclips.Then I started to make orders of 4 dvd each week. It would be cheaper to me buy all the dvd with the discount butI did not know cathe was so addictive.I have discurssion with my parents because they say I am throwing my money but this is my own money and I think cathe is a good and healty invertiment.Now I recommend buy all, of course if you can, .

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