Please help which DVD to purchase


I've been using the Firm for a long time and I'm bored, have gained weight recently (law school exam fault, not Firm!;-) ), and am no longer challenged. I have Kick Max and Low Max and want to get a good solid Cathe weight series. Any suggestions? I want to increase definition and really challenge my muscles to get stronger.

Thanks for your help!!!

Amy G
I love the Gym Styles for weight training. My second favorite is slow and heavy. These are weight training only.
If you're interested in a 3-day split routine, then I'd go with the Gym Styles.

If more inclined to do an upper body/lower body split, then I would suggest the pyramids. I strongly suggest the DVD for this (vs VHS) as the premixes are very versatile - even has a combo for a total body workout.

If you want a total body workout, Muscle Endurance is high rep/low weight (relatively speaking - this is Cathe, you know ;-) ) and Muscle Max is a bit higher weight at a slower pace, but has added band work to really fry your muscles!

You really can't go wrong with any of Cathe's weight workouts!

Hi, I second the Gym Styles and Slow and Heavy. You can split your workouts up and work on one or two body parts per day and get a thorough workout for each body part. I also like PLB for a thorough leg workout and use PUB to supply additional exercises for a particular upper body part that you are working out (for example, I will add PUB shoulders to Gym Style Shoulders.
I just did the what I think was the slow and heavey for the bicep/tricpes on FitTV.. I don't have the DVD. Are the other workouts also the same way w/ the 6 cout and then 2 count lower? I loved that style for the arms.. I feel like it really worked my arms harder than they have been for a while.
I don't have the slow and heavy (yet) but GS has a concentration curl that is 6 up 2 down and a tricep set that is 6/2. It's an awesome workout. I rotate upper GS's w/ PL and have seen nice results.


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