Please help me with my rotation!


Hi everyone! I am coming off an 8 week PS rotation and was wondering, should I go right into S&H for three weeks to further my strength gains and then go into an endurance rotation - or - should I go to endurance next and then do S&H? My goals are to increase my strength, as well as gain more definition in my upper body. Thank you!
I just wanted to share a rotation I completed this week and really liked it.

Monday-Circuit Max
Tuesday-Rhythmic Step
Wednesday-S&H Tri's and Bi's
Thursday-S&H Leg(only) plus Power Circuit(Cardio portion)
Friday-S&H Shoulders,Back and Chest
Saturday-I Max

Friday is the only day over and hour long but it goes by really fast. I'm going to try this again next week but change Monday
to Power Hour. This rotation to me has endurance and strength!
RE: I'm no expert ......

But here is my opinion. Change to an endurance rotation for an equal amout of time and then go back to your strength, or a different, strength rotation for the same amount of time.

I did a rotation of PH twice per week with one other day of wieghts for 6 weeks and three cardio sessions. Then after a one week vacation and one week of exercising with no rotation, I switched to 6 weeks of a PS series rotation ( PS once per week and body max once per week short cardio 5 days)

Mow I am into my second week of Cathe's endurance roation. I am fairly defined. (If I had a clean diet...then results would be even better) But. I do get strangers stop and ask me how I get my legs so buff.

Good luck !

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: I'm no expert ......

Thanks for both of these replies, I think I'll try endurance for awhile and then I am going to try the S&H rotation you posted, thanks!

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