>My boy Maximus did eat
>>quite a few new planted shrubs in the backyard.
>Hey, my pug is named Maximus! I knew there were a ton of
>Maxes in the world, but I didn't think there were very many
>Maximuses. :)

We named our boy after Maximus from the Gladiator(one of my favorite movies!). When our boy was a puppy, we called him "The little general"
LOL! So did we! We got the little guy 2 weeks after we saw the movie. I wanted to name him Rocket (Rocky for short) but the ex hubby was not crazy about another dog, however he was crazy about the Gladiator, so I let him pick the name.

So your Maximus is about 8 years old then, right?
>LOL! So did we! We got the little guy 2 weeks after we saw
>the movie. I wanted to name him Rocket (Rocky for short) but
>the ex hubby was not crazy about another dog, however he was
>crazy about the Gladiator, so I let him pick the name.
>So your Maximus is about 8 years old then, right?

Almost. He'll be 8 in September. Hard to believe my little stinker is getting that old. I'm glad I stuck out the trying year with him. He was so worth the effort:) :)

At first, I wanted to name him Romeo. My family voted for Maximus. After I saw his personality in full bloom(after a day or two), I reallized Romeo didn't fit!
Just wanted to add that we were at our wits' ends with our 2 dogs - Cairn Terror/Terrior :) and Border Collie. We put them in doggie boot camp for 2 weeks! They were with the trainer all day long, and made immediately progress! I knew DH and I wouldn't be consistent, and it was pricey, but worth it in the long run.

A thought ... plus everyone likes Boot Camp! :p

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