Please help me feel I've made a good choice


Active Member
:) :eek: :) Hello, everyone!!
I just went ahead with it and ordered the CTX series after a lot of thinking. I know this is what I wanted, but I just feel nervous like this is it for awhile. Okay I guess that's because my husband did tell me "This is it for a looong while" x( I know I feel grateful I can just have this, but I just wanted some good reassurance from those of you that have and love CTX. I love the idea of the intense cardio and all the options that are presented. :) What great results did you guys have?? Did you follow it as is? Sorry for all the questions, but I really am excited to have it coming. Thank you in advance for anything you can offer on it......:) :) :)
Oh Hubbys! Why don't they keep their noses where it belongs:)
I ordered the high step workout on Wed,I ran upstairs and grabbed my purse (visa) and he just rolls his eyes. I said,"Its only a $30 workout, atleast its not a $3000 bowflex that no one uses!" Prehaps I am lucky that I married a man who likes to waste money.I am probably the cheaper one in the relationship.
Anyway,I know this is not what the topic is about but I think you made a wonderful choice.By the time you get tired of these workouts you will probably be able to buy more.They get right to the point.You have great cardio workouts and great upper body workouts.
I have been debating buying the CTX DVD.I have them on VHS but I figure it would be nice to have them on DVD.
Don't worry, you will really enjoy these workouts.
Have fun,
Glad you asked! I just got it too! I'm a poor student who currently desires every single Cathe DVD in existence, so I understand. But its harder to feel bad about buying fitness videos that I know I'll use than stuff for my house or clothes I don't need. you're doing something healthy for yourself! Is there any other area of your spending you could cut down to leave more for Cathe?

I love, love, love, LOVE the CTX series. You made an EXCELLENT choice. The options are limitless, the workouts are fun, intense and very results oriented. It's Cathe at her brilliant best. I had amazing results when I used it as created. I also used bits and pieces of this series to get back into shape after both of my babies and I'll continue to use it all the time in various ways.

Oh, and as I've said in another recent post...when I die, I want to be buried with Leaner Legs. That workout has completely changed my lower body. I would pay the cost of the entire series just to have LL.

The best Cathe series in my opinion is CTX. I love all my Cathe workouts, but I've had CTX for almost four years and I keep using it and using it. It's not like that with the rest of the series.

I posted my 2body part CTX rotation. You can see it here:

I think CTX is a great way to start. Then if you decide you want to emphasize your cardio get the Intensity series and if you want to emphazise weight training get Slow and Heavy or PS.

Great choice. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

(Still praying for CTX 2....)
I'm so glad you guys said that because I want to get CTX as me next purchase. Funds are a bit tight for the next little while, so I think CTX might be a logical purchase.
>I love, love, love, LOVE the CTX series. You made an
>EXCELLENT choice. The options are limitless, the workouts are
>fun, intense and very results oriented.

Letswork, I can't agree more. The VERSATILITY of the CTX series (especially when you get it on DVD) keeps me from getting bored with my rotations, which mostly revolve around strength and endurance training.

When I die, I want to be buried with KPC. It's the only workout that trimmed an inch off my hips. No amount of stepping ever did. And I've been stepping for more than 10 years...

The CTX DVD's are the most used workouts in my library, and I have all of Cathe's workouts. They're the ones I turn to when I want to kick it up a notch. I never get tired of the routines and the upper body weight work when grouped together is killer! This series sculpts my body like no other. You won't regret your decision.
You made a great choice! Tell your hubby that you were actually saving money since it is a 2dvd set with so many workouts and options. You will love all the choices and the workouts are fun.
Thanks so much!!!

:) :) :) Just wanted to say thankyou to everyone for all the great replies and reassurance. I'm so excited to get CTX (it's supposed to come tomorrow :D ) I've been telling everyone how wonderful it is and everyone just kind of looks at me like I'm a little crazy. :eek: :7 But it was so great to read all of your wonderful replies and feel great about my choice. Thanks again!!!:) :) :)

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