Please help me choose a strength DVD


Hi everyone,

This is my first post. The forums are just fabulous, and all of you seem to have a lot of knowledge to share.

I caught Cathe's Power Hour on Fit TV a few weeks ago and loved it. I am convinced that she makes the best videos for weight training.

I am interested in the Slow & Heavy Series, Pure Strength, and the Pyramids. I know all of them will be challenging, but does anyone have a recommendation on which to begin with? Is Slow & Heavy a series that you stick with for a long period of time or something that you use for a few weeks to change things up a bit? I would like to improve muscle definition but not bulk up (which I know is difficult for women anyway).

I have a few more questions. Is it possible to do without a stability ball in the Pyramid workout? Also, any suggestions on buying a body bar v. a barbell?

Last question lol- I also do Winsor Pilates 3 or 4 times per week. Cathe's workouts will make my muscles ache much more than pilates. Is it okay to do a weight routine one day and pilates the following day? Will that interfere with my rest time?

Thank you in advance to anyone who is patient enough to answer any of my questions!


My recommendation for a strength training series if you're not looking to bulk up would be Pure Strength. I feel that it's the most basic series, and although it is a bit older than some of Cathe's workouts, it provides the basics and does the trick. I have been very happy with the results.

I think Slow & Heavy is geared more toward building muscle and breaking through training plateaus. I tend to build muscle very easily, so I avoid this series. You, however, may not have this problem; however, I would add this one after Pure Strength--maybe as something to add to your collection down the line.

As for Pilates, I occasionally do Pilates also, and have found no problem doing it the day following strength training. It seems gentle enough to me that it wouldn't interfere with your rest time. There may be a more qualified opinion out there, as I'm speaking only from my own experience.

Good luck!

Hi Gina, welcome to the forum. Lynda gave you great advice. I don't do Pilates so I can't answer your question regarding Pilates. The strength workouts you are interested in are, I believe, the best ones in the market for developing strength. S&H is a series I can stick with for only two weeks at most because the required focus is intense, and the fatique hits me fast. I usually follow it up with rotations that use PS and Pyramids.

As for the stability ball in the Pyramid workout, you will need one IF you want to do the pikes on the ball. However there are variations which Brenda shows, and you can follow those if you don't have a ball. Between a body bar and a barbell, I got a barbell. It's simply something that's used so much in Cathe's workouts. Instead of a body bar I use a 10-lb. ankle weight. It works just fine for me.

Have fun with your workouts!

Hi, I would go with the Pure Strength dvd. The Slow and Heavy isn't for using more than 4 weeks in a row. AT least that is what I ahve been hearing.
I personally have the pyramids, and LOVE them! One of the girls in the background doesn't use a stability ball, so you can modify.
The oly reason shy I said go with Pure Strength is because you aren't switching around your weights as much. Where in the pyramids you switch them, fast, between all sets. If you can, get both, but if you have to only get one, go with Pure Strength first. Then, get The Pyramids when you can. That is my suggestion.
Either way you can't go wrong though.

Hi Gina:

PS series seems like a fine starting place.

You do not have to invest in a ball at all. I love the pyramids tapes, but am not interested in doing pikes on the ball, and every single exercise can be done just fine without one. Later on if you decide to get one, after you have mastered the moves and want to up the intensity level, you can do that easily. This could be several months down the road so, you can save money for now. If later on you decide to invest in the Supersets/Push-Pull DVD from the new BB series, it seems a ball is a necessity, but I remain convinced I shall just use my step bench the first few times I try it, until I get used to the moves.

Barbell, barbell, barbell. It's a must. I'm not sure there's much use for a bodybar with Cathe workouts. Sure, she uses one for some of the floor leg work in the PS series leg tape, but I just use a dumbell resting on the thigh for resistance and it works just great. If you are going to stay with Cathe and grow with her, her workouts will steadily challenge you ever more, and you will go from a 20 pound barbell for leg exercises to 40 pounds and beyond. The one purchase now of a 5 pound bar with up to 60 or 70 pounds in weights, will let you grow at less overall cost.

The Troy Lite system is one that many here use, myself included. It was a purchase I have never regretted for an instant. I have never gone back to using dumbells on the shoulders for lower body work after this purchase. This system is available at

The system Cathe has used most regularly on her DVD's is from Escalade sports. Cathe has links on her homepage for equipment, so you are sure to find it.

I shouldn't worry about bulking, you don't have enough testosterone in your body for that. As Cathe always says, "Heavy weights do nice things for you", namely build strong, dense muscles and a compact body shape. After working wth the PS series for a few months, you may want to try th Slow & Heavy, to change things up a bit, whether you have plateaued or not. It's a nice change of pace, and I've never felt stronger!

I know nothing about pilates, but I suspect you could do it the day after a Cathe weight training workout, depending on how you feel . ALways listen to those aches and pains, and rest where needed. This is something you will have to play around with and decide for yourself.

I would start with PS and then purchase the Pyramids. Slow and Heavy is hard to stick with, I think you will get more for your money with the other two to start out with. One thing that is so nice about the Pyramids are all of the premixes and if you like doing upper body one day and lower the other, that DVD has a lot of options.

PS on the other hand is always a mainstay in my collection, I just love it and always will-- it is a very well thought out rotation.
Hi Gina everyone had great suggestion but my all time favorite is The Pyramids and that is what I started with. The PS is a 3 day split where the Pyramid you do The PUB one day and PLB another or you can do the total body premix on the dvd.
Hi Clare,

Thanks for posting. My next question would have been about recommended barbells, so thank you for suggesting Troy ahead of time. I will definitely look into it.

Hi Gina !

My two favorite strength workouts are the Pure Strength and the Pyramid. I would first buy the Pure Strength Series : I always come back to them, it is my "base strength workout". I do all the upper body parts one day, and the lower body one on another day.
The pyramid workouts are very very good too ;-) I had great results with them. The stability ball portions are tough but so effective !
If you're interested in an endurance workout, I would suggest Muscle Endurance, it is very effective, fast-paced, no boredom.
Thanks Karina! I decided to go for Pure Strength first. I ordered it yesterday, and it arrived today! I guess living in NJ has its benefits...

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