Please help me choose a DVD all you Cathe experts out there!!


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to choose between the CTX Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks, Terminator or Boot Camp/ME. I'm very limited on funds right now, so I can only afford one. I already have Timesaver, IMAX2/C&W, Body Max on VHS and Step Fit and Step Works. I've been going through different posts and you guys give such great advice! If anyone can offer any opinions please? I really can't decide, I should say that I am trying to do something other than step all the time. (I know you're supposed to do other things, but Cathe makes stepping so much fun :) ) Anyways, that's what made me think of the CTX one. But I keep hearing how great the Terminator is too.....Please Help
I personally would order the CTX. I did three weeks ago and I do not regret it at all. There are a lot of ooptions that you can do with the dvd's. You can compile your own hi low workout, your own kickbos workout or you own step workout. or just do the workouts as is. In POwer Circuit there is a hi low routine before the step and weights circuits, there is also 10-10-10, and there is the kick boxing workout too. Then you have Meaner, I mean, Leaner legs. So, really I think if you are tyring to avoid a step workout you can do that easily with CTX. Plus it's just a great addition to what you already have.

If you're limited to only one of the DVD's you've mentioned, I would suggest The Terminator.

The reason for my suggestion is that The Terminator combines sequences and drills from I-Max 2, Boot Camp (cardio AND resistance training) and Cardio+Weights (cardio AND resistance training). And, each of the workouts on it (Gauntlet, my personal fave, The Viper and I-Max Extreme) is also very finely chaptered, so you can scoot among all the chapters among ALL of the workouts extremely easily. This means that you have three circuit-style workouts as compiled on the disc itself, AND your own custom-workout options.

I'm not sure if, by your writing "CTX Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks" you meant that you could get both of these packages; keep in mind that CTX is on 2 discs, and Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks is on a third separate disc. CTX and C-Max/C-Kix are sold separately; you can get a price break if you buy them as a package but you're still coughing up about $130.00 I think. IF you can afford the CTX / C-Max package, that might be an even better option right now than Terminator, because it has cardio-only, total-body circuit, leg-only circuit, and isolated strength training for all major muscle groups. AND, you get more cardio modes than step - you get great kickboxing and hi/lo as well.

Hope this helps - I just re-read your post and see that you already have I-max 2 and Cardio+Weights on VHS, so you might not want to get the duplication with Terminator. However, Terminator is a great value.


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