PLEASE help me buy a spin workout video

I need to buy a good challenging, yet fun, spin workout video. I'm not having much luck narrowing one or two down. People say spinnervals is good, but which ones are the easiest and funnest? I don't want my legs to get bigger and would like to get them a little more toned if that helps.

Please help me choose a couple.

Have you thought about using ITrains or CardioCoaches??

Itrain puts out work outs specific to spin called Icycle and all of the Cardio Coaches are wide open to be used with any cardio equipment you choose!

I have an Icycle work out and really enjoy it!

Food for thought!:)
I really like Spinervals 1.0 "No Slackers Allowed". It is approx. 45 minutes and is very, very intense! I have numerous other Spinervals videos but this one is tough and fun!
I have Spinervals, iTrains and Cardio Coaches - there are things to be said for all three. I think they are all good, actually.

Spinervals have been around for a long time - Coach Troy knows his stuff and if fun to have coach. The main benefit of the Spinervals is that, like doing a Cathe video, you don't feel alone - there are others working out "with" you on the TV and if you "zone" out like I do when I spin, you can quickly figure out where you are tension-wise by looking at the screen. The big downside to them is that they are DVD's and are expensive. I love climbing hills and I have Spinervals Hillacious - it's a tough, fun hour long workout, but it is all hill work. Spinervals is also a true interval workout with rests (soft pedaling) between pushes.

Cardio Coach is the audio version that's closest to Spinervals. These, too, are true intervals and are of varying lengths and intensities.

iTrains are more like a traditional spin class with varying intensities and speeds. They are also fun and tend to be the cheapest of all of them. Both Cardio Coach and iTrain are downloadable MP3 files - you can burn to a CD or save to an iPod or MP3 player.
I think Mindy Mylrea also has produced at least one indoor cycling DVD. Collage or her own website should be good places to check.

Does spinning burn a lot of calories? Does it build up the quads? I have been considering buying a bike and some dvd's for home.
I only do spinervals. I'm not sure you can call them "fun":eek: They are not like gym spinning classes with music, etc. Coach Troy's music is sometimes not that good! Somewhere on the spinervals website , he has the dvds classsified - such as "aerobic", "strength", etc. If you don't want your quads to get bigger, stay away from the strength type w/o. The itrains are suppose to have good music and a lot of people love cardiocoach. These are not too $, so maybe you can try one.

I cannot bring myself to try them however, because I LOVE coach Troy!! His w/o are tough and you will increase your fitness levels dramatically. There are some reviews at and Troy has some short (very!) clips on his site. You can purchase the older spinervals at Nashbar, cyclefixx and performance, where they are frequently on sale. Marnie
>I only do spinervals. I'm not sure you can call them "fun":eek:

spinervals ARE good... but gawd they are NOT fun!!!! lol!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
A few I would suggest are:

1) Lean and Mean - it's about an hour, you stand and sit and get off the bike. I enjoyed this one.

2) 16.00 Aero Base Builder. This was 80 minutes but it was fun.

Those are the two I most enjoy I do have others but these are my favorites.....good luck...leigh

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