Please help - I'm frustrated


Active Member
Hello all,

I've been going back and forth with myself on whether I should post this or not. I don't want to come across as whining but I am frustrated.

I have been faithfully exercising 5-6 days a week. I have been eating 75-80% clean. I allow myself treats (moderate!) on weekends. I'm in my 9th week of this and have seen absolutely zero change in my body shape and also no movement on the scale. I weighed myself when I started and just weighed myself this morning to see if there has been any change. I have noticed muscle - mostly in my biceps. When I put on my jeans or skirts they are still snug in all the same places.

Now I'm not looking for motivation to keep going - I am keeping this up. But I guess I'm looking for someone who has experienced this or can give me a clue as to what I may not be doing right. I use both Cathe and The Firm.

Hi, Shelly!

Before we can give you any insight, we'll need to know what precise workouts you're doing, what their durations are and what the general distribution is between cardio and strength-training workouts.

Thanks A-Jock

Here is what I do:

M-Boot Camp
T-KPC,sometimes a rest day
W-Firm Body Sculpt
T-Firm Super Cardio
F-Boot Camp

That is how I typically order my workouts. I have many other Firm that I use in place of the what I listed but try to keep the same type of workout. The only two Cathe's are the ones I listed:( . I will be adding more in the months to come.

I can make it through KPC and get an excellent workout - except for the planks on the ball!!! I still struggle with some of the BC segments. But I would say I can do the majority of it. I can make it through all of my Firm tapes.

As far as my eating is concerned, I try to eat my foods in as natural of a state as possible. I avoid sugar during the week. My weekend eating is not as clean - but compared to how I used to eat it's great.

Hi Shelly! Nine weeks isn't a lot of time; sometimes things need to shift around a bit before you see any kind of a difference. However, if it does bother you & I sense this from your post (reading between the lines here) try decreasing your calories by 500 but I would stagger the calories. Say on Wed. & Sat. do a high carb day & the other days do low carb. I've seen a significant (BIG) difference in my midsection since I've been implementing this. Also, you don't state what your routine is but I would also suggest upping 1 more cardio a week as well as increasing your #s of weight than what you normally use. Do this for a period of 6 weeks & then DO NOT GET ON THE SCALE!!!! Go by the way your pants feel. HTH, Kathy:D

Shelly! Now that I've read what your routine is I would ditch the Firm & start getting Cathe's Pure Strength series & also getting IMAX2 all of these on DVD. Interval training will really kick things up a notch for you & the weight will definitely start to come off as well as the PS series. I'm sure Annette will also come up w/some better ideas than I did. Good luck!
Hi Shelly,

I would suggest substituting some HEAVY weight lifting 2-3 days per week into your routine in place of some of what you have. The Pure Strength series that Kathy mentioned is great. I also like the Slow & Heavy series, as well as the Pyramid Upper Body and Lower Body.

Also, make sure you're getting enough good rest. Overtraining can impede progress. Good luck!
This would not be enough cardio for me. I believe Bootcamp has 1 to 2 minute bouts of cardio per cycle x 8 cycles? Although it's very high impact, I think you need a longer duration for fat burning. Until you get more Cathe cardio, you could do the eight cycles and then do the cardio only premix a couple more times.

I also agree that you need some heavier weight lifting.
Thank you all for your replies. I realize that 9 weeks isn't that long in the big scheme of things, but to have no change is just a bummer. I would have thought that by now I would at least see a little difference.

I am not able to add more Cathe to my collection right now so I need to keep rotating with my Firm tapes. I will add some cardio to my week, though. Would a walk/run be sufficient? The weather here in MI is finally getting better. I will also try the low carb days during my week. I do tend to like my carbs over any other choice I could make, even though I am choosing good carbs.

For my next Cathe purchase I am considering Slow and Heavy. I need to work on adding strength (more weight) to my workouts, but I'm really trying to do this gradually. I am also very uncoordinated and the step workouts are scaring me a little.

Anything else?

Thanks again for your support. I've just cancelled my membership to the Firm website because I am getting great and useful information right here.

[font color=navy]Hi Shelly,[/font color=navy]

Everyone has given you great suggestions so far. I have one question. Are you at a healthy weight? It's harder to lose weight, in my opinion, when you don't have much to lose.

[font color=orange]Gina[/font color=orange]
That is a great point, Gina! It seems, the closer you are to your fitness goals, the harder you have to work.
Hi, Shelly! I agree with the others who have suggest adding a slow, focused strength training protocol into your weekly program. Slow and Heavy would be a great next step for you. Be very judicious about your beginning weight loads for this series; it's very good and very intense.

I think a good, tub-thumping walk/run session would be a good replacement for one of your cardio sessions, especially something to supplant the second KPC session. KPC, as good as it is, can be overdone, especially considering the sharp joint flexions that the body undergoes during this particular workout (cross-body knee smashes coupled with knee lifts, those forearm smashes while stepping into a lunge, those double-up roundhouse kicks, etc.).

For future Cathe cardio purchases, consider the I-Max 1 and I-Max 2 videos if you do vids, OR their DVD companions (Rhythmic Step / I-Max 1 / MIC; I-Max 2 / Cardio-Weights). Also consider purchasing Step Pump Jump and/or Step Blast (which has fewer but toasty intensity blasts as well). Cathe's step interval workouts have simple step choreography coupled with matchless interval intensity blasts that will really jolt your system.

I'm utterly indifferent to scale weight as a determinant of progress so I'm no help to you there. But you're on the right track in terms of kicking up your program a notch.



Do you know if the calories you're taking, and the calories you are expending are in the appropriate range for weight loss?
I have not sat down and added up my total caloric intake for each day. I guess that is something I should do, although I can't imagine I am eating an outrageous amount.

All I know is that 10 weeks ago I was eating Krispy Kreme and not exercising and now I am eating organic oats and moving my body and not seeing a change.x(

Hi Shelly,

Changing up your cardio, adding heavy weight training, and tracking your calories seem to be the consensus. Please don't give up! I know that you must be incredibly frustrated, but keep up the good work anyway.

I'm newer to Cathe and cardio/wt workouts, I had let working out go by the wayside for 4-5 yrs, so last Sept 03, I decided to change my habits and get back into shape. It was very hard at first, I was
20 lbs overwt. when I started. I was doing some cardio videos and getting nowhere with them. I lost around 2-3 lbs, but I was getting frustrated. I stumbled upon Cathe's website and read the forum intensly, I learned so very much from everyone here, that I was able to stay focused and ordered Cathe's Intensity Series, boy, did the wt start to come off then! I made strides with the DVD's and my second order was the Body Blast series and Slow and Heavy. So what the others are telling you is true, from my experience, they know what their talking about to help you reach your goals. I want you to know you are DEFINITELY not alone and I was in the same situation you are in.
It can be done. I work out 6 days per week, 3 cardio and 3 wts. This has been the difference. I had to lift wts as heavy as I could with keeping good form and increase as I became stronger. It has taken me 6 months to get to my goal wt., but not only am I there now, I have never looked this good. I have wonderful muscle definition, I'm very proud to show off my biceps!! So, see it does take time. Please don't give up. I also follow the EFL plan. The best results I saw was by following
this plan, I just completed it and I've even shaved 1" off my butt.
Week 1 Circuit week
Week 2 Heavy wt./low reps
Week 3 High reps/light wt
Week 4 Pyramid week
Week 5 Total Body Conditioning Week
Week 6 Push/Pull Week
Week 7 Something Totally Different Week ie,pilates/stretching/cardio
Then repeat !!
This was called the Microperiodization in the forum
I plan to do it again, this time tweaking it to fit the freestyle training type technique. This forum has lots of topics describing it. See what you have in your collection and fit the workouts you have to match to see if this helps give you variety and help you shape up. You can find out more by using the " Search " on here.
I know Aquajock and the other more seasoned exercisers can help you with more detailed advice, I just wanted you to know that as long as you keep trying, you will be able to listen to your body and know what to do to make changes.
Give life your all!
I wanted to thank you all again for your support. It is nice to have such knowledgeable people answer my question so fast. I will take all the info you have given me and set a new plan of action. I'll have to get more organized with my eating and more intense with my workouts.

Are you from the Grand Rapids area? If so, there are some excellent
rail-trails that you can bike, blade (etc.) on to get a good cardio workout.
Hi Patti,

No, I'm south of Detroit. I just walk around my neighborhood or at the local high school track.


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