Please help if you've experienced this!


Hi there, I hope someone out there can shed some light on this. I have been experiencing this for about a month, but not consistently except for the last week. Every night I wake up around midnight, give or take an hour, and am dripping with sweat. I feel like I was doing one of the Imaxes in my sleep! LOL! I have to change everything and the sheets are damp, too. Last night was probably the worst. I had to change twice. It has been hot here lately, but we have the air set at 73. I sleep in a tank top and shorts. Is this some sort of pre-menopause thing. Geez, I'm only 35. I suppose I should call a doctor, but I feel funny calling about just night sweats.

Any advice or thoughts on this. TIA!

Hey Dallas. I'm 35 too and experience the same thing at times. I hope to God we're not pre-menopausal yet. Maybe it has something to do w/ our bodies burning calories & fat. That would be nice huh?:)
Maybe some of the others will know.
I get the same exact thing though not every night. A few times a month I wake up pouring with sweat, even when it's cold out or I have the AC on!! I went to my ob/gyn last summer and she ran some hormone tests, but it wasn't menopause. Hey, I'm 35 too...maybe it's the "five years to 40" sweats :p


Oh, that would be nice "burning extra calories and fat"! :) In the past six months I have changed a lot about my diet. All in a good way though. I'm probably eating the cleanest I ever have in my life! Could diet have something to do with this?

Thanks Kali. I'm glad I'm not alone.
Hey, I'm 35 too...maybe it's the "five years to
>40" sweats :p

Ha Ha! I better get some waterproof sheets then when I turn 40! :)
I'm 37 & it's been happening to me for as long as I can remember. Pretty much every night. Don't know why, it seems like my body temp goes up an extra 5 degrees or so when I go into a deep sleep. I'm guessing it's a metabolism thing but not sure.
37 here too and though I don't wake up sweaty, DH complains I feel like a furnace. Also says that I have "tremors" right before I doze body just shakes, and I don't even realize it. He yelled out, "KPC" and woke me up!!!

DH has told me I'm like a furnace too! Mostly in the winter tho. I don't sleep too close to him when it's so hot.
Sometimes when I shake like that I wake up scaring myself like what happened?
I'm almost 46 and have been experiencing night sweats for a while now. They're pretty frequent lately. You're not in menopause if you still have periods but it doesn't happen over night. Sounds like perimenopause, the transitional phase to menopause. Google perimenopause for more information.
I'm a boyfriend-proclaimed furnace as well! I have woken up sweaty the past few nights - gosh, I hope it's not perimenopause, although I'm 38, it still seems too soon. I've also been told my whole body jerks right before I fall asleep.

I go through this sweating thing periodically. It has nothing to do with the temperature of the room, I can be sweating buckets in a chilly room. The first time I ever sweated like that was right after my first child was born, I was 33. Since then I go through it a few weeks at a time every now and then. I'm pretty sure it's hormonal. Our midlife changes take place slowly over a long time. I don't think the night sweats alone qualify for the title of premenapause, but it is for most of us a hormone thing. It's not fun!
I have the same thing. My dr said it is common for periomenopause (the stage before menopause).

It might also be your birth control, though...
I'm not trying to be an alarmist. Before I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma when I was 17, I had bad night sweats. It was one of the symptoms of this type of cancer.I didn't think anything about it, I wish I had know better and saw a doctor. When I was finally diagnosed I was at stage 3 of 4. If you feel any swollen lymph nodes(neck, armpits, groin) you may want to check it out with your doctor.

It's probably nothing though, Hodgkin's Lymphoma usually strikes when people are 15-22. I still get hot and sweaty sometimes at night. I notice I sweat more the nights I have consumed alcohol.
yeah I know when I had a swollen gland in my neck, the first question the dr asked me was if I had night sweats cuz it could be an indicator of some cancer
how exactly did they diagnose you with hodgkins? blood test?
Some medications can cause night sweats. In the past, I have taken anti-depressants, (the kind like Prozac) and every single one I have tried has given me terrible night sweats. It is miserable. I would rather be depressed!
Meds can give night sweats so can diet, anyone doing a whole lot of protein before bed? Also some herbs and vitamins can cause night sweats. So it could be your getting too much of something and that's the way your body is trying to tell you.

Also your blood pressure could be off, when you stand up it's low, but once you lay down, it even out, and warms you up too much. This would be more for constant night sweats.

Hope that helps,

I have had this occur many times. I have never needed to change or was probably to lazy to do so.

I notice it mostly when my exercise routine changes beyond normal. For me it's a good sign. I usually exerience a weightloss(about 2 to 3 lbs) 2 to 3 days later. I also get sweats after I consume food during this same time period. It's as if the furance within just got stoked.

I've read and heard that perimenopause starts in the early thirty's.

My hubby also has mentioned that I jerk or tremble in my sleep. He also says that I'm like a furance.
Thanks Elaine, perimenopause is what it's called. I'll google it and see what it says.

ducky, I've read that the "midlife changes take place slowly over time.." and I have had other symptoms, not sure if it's related. Too embarrassed to list them here, but I'm going to do a search on the internet and see what it says before I call a dr.

I have been on birth control for about a year and a half. Ironically, this was going to be my last month. I'm not taking any other meds. I do have an occasional glass of wine, if DH and I are lucky enough to get a babysitter, when we go out to dinner. Nothing excessive though.

Kaibic, I have thought about Hodgkin's Lymphoma only because my sister was diagnosed with it over a year ago. She's now in remission. She's only 15 months older than me. Our great grandmother had it too. I don't think that's it though. My poor sister was so fatigued. I don't think I would be doing Cathe DVD's everyday if that were it.

carmenelectra, my sister did discover the lump under her armpit and then the tests started. Every time I called her she was off to the hospital for another test. It seemed like the whole process took forever before the chemo even began. I was sick with worry the whole time especially since we live so far from each other.

Kit, I have some form of protein at dinner, but I usually follow the no food 3-4 hours before bed idea. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure is OK. At least, it was at my last dr. visit.

When I have time I'll do a search and see what I find. I'll let you know since it seems to be more common than I think.

Thanks, Dallas
>yeah I know when I had a swollen gland in my neck, the first
>question the dr asked me was if I had night sweats cuz it
>could be an indicator of some cancer
>how exactly did they diagnose you with hodgkins? blood test?

A blood test is the first indicator because your WBC will be off. Then X-rays and CT scans. After that,they removed a lymph node from my armpit for biopsy(this was the definite diagnosis.)Actually, my
doctors told me that they were pretty positive I had cancer within two days after I was seen, before the biospy was even back.

Dallas, since Hodgkin's runs in your family I'm more concerned. If you start feeling itchy, tired, winded, or any lumps, please see your doctor. I only felt tired right before I was diagnosed and my doctors said I probably had cancer for over a year. I was tired because I had tumors in my chest which affected my lungs. I got winded running up and down stairs. I'm very happy your sister is in remisson, that's great news! :D This is my 10 year anniversary of remisson.
>Dallas, since Hodgkin's runs in your family I'm more
>concerned. If you start feeling itchy, tired, winded, or any
>lumps, please see your doctor. I only felt tired right before
>I was diagnosed and my doctors said I probably had cancer for
>over a year. I was tired because I had tumors in my chest
>which affected my lungs. I got winded running up and down
>stairs. I'm very happy your sister is in remisson, that's
>great news! :D This is my 10 year anniversary of remisson.

kaibic ~ you have been through so much and you're so young. Do you still have to go in for body scans? My sister has to go every three months right now. She says that that will change each year, I think. My sister's had spread to her neck, chest and arms. Her drs. also knew that she had it before the results came back. I'm so happy for you and my sister that you're in remission. I guess she can't technically say she's cancer free until the 5 year mark, right?

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