Please help I need to know where to start



Cathe, I saw your video rated on the lifetime channel. I can't remember which one it was. But I am also afraid because I am just a beginer. I am about 30 -40 lbs over weight and would like to get fit. I am kind of lazy but mostly with putting on the garb to exercise. I want to not have to put on shoes any more than I have too. I am also very large in the bust and alot of things are hard because of the added tissue up front.
where to start

I would suggest walking 3 times per week for 30 minutes a session to get your body conditioned to working out and being on a workout schedule. Start your 30 minute workout with a comfortable walking pace for 5 minutes. Then walk at a brisk pace for 17 minutes and start slowing down again to a comfortable walking pace for 3 minutes. Conclude this 30 minute workout with a 5 minute stretch. Do this for 4 weeks. During the four week period, I would also suggest doing 5 minutes of abdominal crunches two to three times per week followed by 16 pushups right after you have finished your abdominal routine. You can do this "ab/pushup mini workout" right after your walk or on a separate day altogether.

After this four week conditioning period, I would say you are more ready to move into using home workout videos. If you are interested in using my tapes, I would suggest "How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding". Even though the title and theme is aimed at brides-to-be, it is truly a well rounded workout for anyone. This workout would be considered intermediate to advanced. It has a 45 minute step aerobic workout to be done 3 days per week(ex. Mon,Wed,Fri)and then a 45 minute light weight toning routine which requires either 3,5,or 8 pound dumbells to be done two days per week(ex. Tues, Thurs). Ease your way into these workouts. Remember to never do too much to soon. Good luck!

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