PLEASE give advice!!


I had to have back surgery a real long time ago and haven't had problems since....until now. When I had surgery, the doctor told me not to do high impact aerobics or lift more than 10 pounds. I LOVE to work out and have gradually increased my workouts to include high impact aerobics and I have definitely been lifting more than 10 pounds. (Perhaps this was a bad decision) I started to have a sharp pain in my back so I started doing what my doctor used to suggest. (All low impact and lifting only 10 pounds) The pain totally disappeared. Are there any workouts you recommend? I LOVE hard workouts, especially dance aerobics ones...I also REALLY enjoy step and I do not care for kickboxing. I have Low Max, High Step Challenge, IMAX 2, Cardio and Weights and Ab Hits. What should my next purchase be? I like to work out an hour a day.
I think in your case, you really need medical supervision to decide what workouts and types of workouts would be best for you. Perhaps a PT could give you some exercises to strengthen your weak areas, and figure out a program that will allow you to lift heavier.

I suspect that high impact aerobics might be more harmful than weight work, but I may be wrong.

I certainly wouldn't want to risk giving you advice that could make your condition worse.

As for low-impact aerobics, kickboxing would be my first suggestion, but since you don't like it, that's out. What about stationary biking/spinning? Rowing (check with your doctor)? Versaclimbing (these require the equipment, but it's hard to get an intense cardio workout with low impact without equipment, especially if KB is out as an option).

For weight work, there are quite a few functional fitness workouts out now (and more to come, it seems) that use lighter weights, but are intense in their own right. The TLT's (, Core Secrets and Tracie Staehle feature lighter-weight functional moves. Again, check with a doctor or PT (perhaps you need to consult a sports physician) to see if this would work for you.
My surgery was 20 years ago and I have not had ANY problems since that until now. My problem was pain for a couple of weeks and now is gone.

I am looking to find workouts that are Low Impact for Aerobics and Weight training that I can do with a lower weight or with bands.

I really like Cathe workouts. (I can do low max and cardio and weights with slight modifications) I am also doing Christi Taylor workouts with no negative effect.

My prior post may have seemed like I needed PT. I had a lot of PT following surgery and I have been trained in what to do and not to do.

I still would like input on DVD's to try.

If Low Max works for you,, how about Low Impact Cardio? You could just be sure to keep the weights less than 10# on the weighted section, or even use a cardio-only premix.

For weight training with Cathe, I'd suggest looking at the higher rep workouts, which would make a lighter weight more effective. PH is one example(but it only comes on DVD with Maximum Intensity Strength--which you could just choose lighter weights for---and Body Max--which has high impact in that would need to be modified).

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