OK, experts may I have your experienced opinion on this rotation?
Note that I play tennis on Tuesday & Friday for 90" and try to keep my impact low on those days.
M: MIS & 30" Cardio choice (ex. part of Body Max or Step Heat)
Tu: 30" cardio choice & Yoga Sculpt -first half only (Karen Voight)
Th: Cardio 60" (Cardio Kicks with x-tra on bike to = 60")
Fri: Yoga Sculpt floor work only *rest* day
S: Body Max all if possible (if not skip upper body part)
S: RS or other Step or treadmill 60"
Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself
Note that I play tennis on Tuesday & Friday for 90" and try to keep my impact low on those days.
M: MIS & 30" Cardio choice (ex. part of Body Max or Step Heat)
Tu: 30" cardio choice & Yoga Sculpt -first half only (Karen Voight)
Th: Cardio 60" (Cardio Kicks with x-tra on bike to = 60")
Fri: Yoga Sculpt floor work only *rest* day
S: Body Max all if possible (if not skip upper body part)
S: RS or other Step or treadmill 60"
Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself