Please,check this rotation


OK, experts may I have your experienced opinion on this rotation?
Note that I play tennis on Tuesday & Friday for 90" and try to keep my impact low on those days.

M: MIS & 30" Cardio choice (ex. part of Body Max or Step Heat)
Tu: 30" cardio choice & Yoga Sculpt -first half only (Karen Voight)
Th: Cardio 60" (Cardio Kicks with x-tra on bike to = 60")
Fri: Yoga Sculpt floor work only *rest* day
S: Body Max all if possible (if not skip upper body part)
S: RS or other Step or treadmill 60"

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
My goal of the moment?
1) to maintain optimal fitness
2)loose a bit of ab flab
3) Be able to make it thru the intensity series workouts!
I am in good shape. I can get thru Body Max. I have never done I-Max. I build muscle easily. My clothes fit fine, but I would like to keep my 42 year old metabolism up up up.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Hi Judy!
Since you seem to be mixing it up well with tennis 2 days, I'd say eliminate one 60 min cardio and replace one of the other cardios with a more intense cardio, the equivalent of IMax (say, Step and Intervals plus Power Circuit cardio sections only, or MIC or Circuit Max).

Also add another ab segment to your week. So, arrange your workouts to include one high-intensity cardio, one full-body weight workout, 2 tennis games, and 3 ab workouts of 5 to 20 minutes each. I would not do both MIS and Power Hour in one week but if you feel fine then why not.

I know you can't spot reduce with the ab work, but stronger abs make jumping safer for your other joints, and definition shows through a bit of feminine fat so you feel more svelte. One high intensity cardio added to your week IMO is better than two lower intensity ones.

When you get tired of this I would change it to a PS week or an S&H. With S&H I would also eliminate one more cardio.

I have a check list I use to help me round out rotations. The items on it are: cardio, back, chest, bi, tri, shoulders, lower body, abs. I could have glutes on it but it's already detailed enough (I'm trying to simplify, not complicate!) but this helps me choose workouts. For example, Step Heat, a mid-intensity cardio with an ab segment.

I want to check off an equal amount of each per week, or sometimes shoulders twice, abs 4 times (sometimes I double up on abs but just check off once for one day!) I guess you get the picture.

Some people have a check list that includes intervals, cardio (regular), upper body, lower body and abs. A check list helps you think when you're short of planning time.
Thank you Connie!
I don't think of my Tennis as enough of a Cardio workout because my heart rate (I'm not sure though) doesn't stay elevated the whole time. How ever I do feel it in my legs later if I do hi intensity cardio on same day.

With that in mind more than one high intensity cardio might be needed. In past rotations PH and MIS have been done in same week. With PH being endurance it seems OK to me.
A friend just gave me Step Max today to try. So that may get mixed in too.
Thanks again!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Depending on how you feel during this rotation, you might want to add another day in between PH and MIS, giving yourself more rest so that you can lift a bit heavier.

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