Please, Cathe...


Hi Cathe,
Thanks so much for always asking for our input!! Please, Cathe, don't just make all your new upcoming workouts, "parts, reedits, or compilations"!! I SOOOO look forward to "changing up" my workouts with different choreography, setting, and music with your yearly new tapes!! It truly keeps me motivated! As a matter of fact, I am going through withdraw right now!! However, I know that you are just resting from baby #2. I can relate to the hecticness of just becoming a brand new Mom, myself. The DVD option already seems to lend itself to somewhat mixing the workouts, eventhough I don't have a DVD player yet!! Your ideas sound awesome for combining previous workouts, but pleasssse still give your devoted fans all-new material TOO !! I hope that I don't sound ungrateful, but when I was a "Firmie" before discovering you, their redits and parts tapes got a little redundant with the same moves and music over and over again! Just my opinion, "take it or leave it, right?"
Thanks so much for listening, and thank you for maintaining my fitness in such a challenging and motivating way like no other!

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I THINK Cathe is going to be making NEW tapes later this year, right??? I surely can understand why she couldn't do them at this point. I think it's great that they are offering so many different new options to the OLD tapes also. Sooo, China, I think that we are getting both, not just re-makes. (Hope I'm correct with this info!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yes, I think that is correct...

and I think lots of us were asking about putting certain workouts together, so she probably thought there was a market for it! There is!!! :) And she DID say that she would be back to filming some new schtuff in the....ummmm....Fall, I think....right??? :-jumpy

Hi! I posted a similar comment under "compilation suggestions" on this board. I would rather not see time or money (SNM's)spent on "parts" tapes, since the market definitely seems to be going in the direction of DVD, which lends itself to creating our own combos. I suppose if they want to fill time by making parts tapes while Cathe is not filming new stuff, that's up to them. I'd rather just see lots of new stuff...

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