Please advise me on this yucky fat area....

Renee McFar

I have one stubborn area of fat that will not GO AWAY!! The rest of my body is ok but that area between my arm pit and my bra strap needs to be gone!!! I know "spot reducing" is a pipe dream. This seems to be the area where I store any excess fat.

What can I do to tone it up? More chest work? Heavier chest work? More push ups? I have already increased my weight for Pyramid Upper Body. I get DOMS for days in my chest, even my boobies get DOMS. Please give me some advice!!!! Thank you!
I think this spot would reduce with overall fat reduction. But, it's not goin away, it's just a body shape thing. Think of it as womanly, Marilyn Monroe had tons of it.
:( Oh my....I really do not have body fat to reduce. All my body fat has migrated to that one area. It is like my own little fat colony. I wish it would become the "Lost Colony.":)
Hi Renee! Six years ago when my daughter was getting married, my dress was cut in on the front and back esposing the area between the shoulder and bra. (I call that fatty-stuff "Bra-Bubbles"! :7) Anyway, I told my students that we were going to do push-ups EVERY class for the WHOLE 20-class session which consisted of them doing them 2X/week for 10 weeks, but since I taught 4X/week, I did them 4X/week. We started out with only 16 and each class we added only one extra, so by the end of the session, we were doing 35 straight. It worked! That area was so much more toned/less flabby! It really sculpted my shoulders a lot too which shows in the pix of the wedding. You might want to give it a try. I would try doing them 4X/week or basically do them every other day making it an 8-day week if that makes sense? Good Luck and let me know the outcome if you decide to give it a whirl.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Pull overs and lat rows (better yet, pull downs if you access to a machine) will help that area too.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off.
You've gotta work hard for what you want. - Cathe in HSC
I agree with Debbie. I haven't given it too much thought but now that she mentioned the push ups I think this is what may have helped me with that area too. The fat seemed to have melted off that area the same time I was doing a P90X rotation. That rotation had a ton of push ups so she may be on to something. Push ups really gave my shoulders and arms great shape too. I have a love/hate relation with them though.

Thank you ladies. Thanks for the link cheryllynn.

I am going to give this some major work before bathing suit season. It's not too much "fat" now, I just want it to go away and not get any worse. So push-up's it is, even on days that are cardio/ab only days.

Off to read that link now.

Thanks again!!! :)
This is a really good tip - pushups are brutal, but they really are the best. And, NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED! How cool is that? The military has had it right all along, don't ya know, with the body weight exercises.
Another vote for pushups and latrows. Make sure the wt is heavy enough to really make your lats and rhomboids burn/scream!

~Reece Out~
I'm sure that push-ups will help a lot with that. I've also thought that db flys would too?

Well tomorrow is 30 days of being back into consistent exercising for me, and I told myself that after the first month I'd start doing pushups everday. I didn't have the heart to start back down at almost none. :( So....pushups here I come!

I was just thinking about this area left side seems fine but there is a good amount on my right side!

by the way, I had the least amount ever....almost none, really, by my standards.....when I was swimming every day, with a lot of breast stroke, and pushups on a daily basis too!
You are so right. I hadn't thought about it, but I didn't have a "dough issue" when I was swimming 3 days/week. For right now, I am going to do the pushup experiment and see what happens.

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