PLB and PUB in one session -- too much?


Caroline Knorr
I'm thinking of doing Pyramid Lower Body and Pyramid Upper Body on Saturday and taking a rest day on Sunday. Has anyone done these tapes one after another? Was it OK, or am I being overzealous? I have done each tape one time, but on different days. I figure it'll take about 1 1/2 hours.
Thanks for the input!
Hi Caroline,

I was just thinking about this same topic this morning and wondering if I should try it? I thought if I do I'd do upper first, then end with lower so I don't wear myself out too early on, plus my legs are stronger than everywhere else so I know I'll still have strength enough to do lower body.
I can't remember anyone posting about doing both back-to-back so you may be the first. :)
So~you go ahead and try it and if it's a "thumbs up" then let us know and I'll alter my rotation and try them together next week! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Caroline!(& Donna) I did both tapes last Saturday, mainly because they were new and I take Sunday's off. I just couldn''t resist! :7 I also have strong legs but I decided to do PLB first because I tend to think Cathe kills my legs more then my upper body! I wanted to get the HARD part over with. Ha! They are both hard! I think I put about an hour in-between the two tapes just because I was doing laundry and odds & ends around the house, but I feel it CAN be done back-to-back. Not sure that I would do it often, but I couldn't decide which one to try first, so I went for both! Have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Having done PUB this morning, and still feeling the effects 7 hours later, I'm thinking if I do both workouts in 1 day, I'll do 1 prior to breakfast, take a breakfast break and have a light meal, then do the 2nd workout. Probably inserting a 45min-1hr break between them might make it more do-able.
I just don't think I'd be able to take them back to back immediately. My upper body is burning by the time I'm finished with PUB, and my lower body is fatigued as "you know what" after PLB, so a break between sessions would be the only way I could probably tackle both in a morning.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
If I were to try them, and I'm saying this sight unseen, I'd do the PLB first, 'cause they always tell you to wear out your big muscles out first, and that would be the legs and butt.

Just Do It! :)
Caroline Knorr
I ended up cleaning house today for my "cardio" (ha ha), so I did my old friend PowerHour instead. I really like doing a full-body weight workout, which is why I wanted to do PLB and PUB in one session. One of these days I'll try PLB and PUB back to back but it was not meant to be today. A note about PowerHour, it seems to be harder than Muscle Endurance - which is fine with me - but has anyone else noticed that? Muscle Endurance is awesome but doesn't burn me out as much as PH.
Nope~ I haven't noticed it at all! :) ME fries my muscles like bacon! :)

Both PH and ME are some mean workouts!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Caroline

I enjoy doing PLB & PUB on the same day. I take a small break in between (about 20 min.). It helps me to stay focused. Be sure to listen to your body.

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