
Ok, I REALLY want these.

Am I getting it right though on the expense?? I would really like a set of 5/8 lb and 1.25 lb. The 5/8 for my smaller dumbells and the 1.25 for my bigger ones. But I am seeing that they are 18.95 a pair, meaning to get four (for 2 dumbells) it is 40.00 + shipping?? That would make it 80.00 for me to have both sizes!!!??? If I am correct, can someone tell me why 2.25 pounds of magnetic weight costs 40.00??

If anyone knows a cheaper place to get these, please do tell. I am in between weights on many exercises now and my form suffers when I use the heavier weight but I don't feel it the next day if I use the lighter wt.

Thanks for anyone who can provide info...

Hey Janice -

I found something interesting at They call it a weight stack adapter. I'm not sure if this would be compairable to platemates but the are definately cheaper. They look as if you can add them onto a dumbbell and even a barbell. The add doesn't doesn't give much of a discription but I'm sure fitness1st would give you more info.

Here's the link:

Good luck!!!

Kali :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-02 AT 02:17PM (Est)[/font][p]Unfortunately, the Platemates are indeed that expensive and I have yet to see them sold inexpensively anywhere. You can find them at some sporting goods/fitness equipment stores so you can at least avoid having to pay for shipping and handling. Also, if you do plan on buying them, be aware that they do not work on the pretty coated dumbells some women have--only the metal ones. The coating on the other ones prevents the magnet from adhering firmly and they will fall off. As a personal trainer, I have found them to be very worth the expense though in terms of progressing my clients (mainly older adults) safely.
Kali and others on the adapter...

A word of caution if you try to adapt that to your barbell or dumbbells, it's actually meant for a weight stack on a machine. It sits on top of the stack of plates and slides around the stabalizing center bar. It's not meant for free weights. Of course, that's not to say you can't be creative and find a way to attach it;-).

On the topic of cheaper versions of platemates..I remember seeing someone mention some big plain old magnets at Home Depot or other hardware stores...they may come in different weights and sizes allowing for small increases for your dumbbells. That could be more affordable??? I haven't investigated that option myself but have been meaning to look into it.
I can help.....

My Omni Fitness store has Cap weights in 1.25 lbs for $0.49 (that's what they were 2 months ago) each. They have the 1" hole for my barbell. They have a couple of different odd sized weights--7.5, 12.5 lbs. I thought that was pretty cool. But these 1.25 lbers are so darned cute!!!!

If you would like to e-mail me, I would be happy to pick up a pair for the cost plus shipping & handling. UPS is $6.95 no weight limit! That would be $1.05 (6% sales tax in NJ) for the weights & $6.95 for ground shipping. That's $8 for 2.5 lbs of weight but still cheaper than $40 for plate mates! And made for a barbell, unlike the plate staker.

I will be happy to do this for ANYONE that wishes to e-mail me. I live 5 minutes from the store, will make 1 trip a week. Yes, I'm nuts! But for my fitness friends that don't have the store close by....I nearly freaked when I found them because I, too, thought platemates were ridiculously expensive.

[email protected]

Please E-mail me if you want me to get these for you. I won't be able to keep up with orders otherwise. I will respond to you & give you the address to send the money order. I do request only money orders, no checks please. And I would also prefer not to be buying the larger odd sizes, so 1.25 lb plates only please.

Looking forward to helping....

RE: I can help.....

Thanks everyone for the advice. Don't know if I am going to break down and get these or not. Very soon. I will look into Home Depot too, that was a really good idea!!!!

RE: I can help.....


That is SO nice of you. I would jump at the chance but I don't think we are talking about the same thing. I am talking about the magnetized wt. increments made to go on a HEX DUMBELL. I do not need anything for my barbell. Does the store have an internet website I can scope out??

Please let me know if I am in error here....

RE: I can help.....

Hey Janice, I misread your post! is the website, but it sucks! The links bring up blank screens that never load.

Good luck in your search & let us know about home depot!

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