Planter Warts



Does anyone know how to get rid of them. I have a 3 year old with one on the bottom of her foot. The doctor says it will go away on its own but on the internet it says they spread if you touch them. Does anyone know if grapefruit seed extract will get rid of them naturally. I'd rather get rid of it a natural way. Any info anyone has would be helpful. Thanks
My daughter's didn't go away on its own. We had to have it treated and removed. Sorry I don't have a natural method to offer.

My doc said they can spread and that we needed to be careful that she covered hers when walking in damp places (like pool areas and bathrooms) because the virus (or what ever it is) that causes them thrives in damp areas.

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I know you prefer the natural way but warts can be very stubborn to get rid of. There's an OTC product you can get that you spray on and it freezes them off. I've had that procedure done at my dermatologist office and it's painless and quick. I'm pretty sure this product does the same thing. Just a thought!
I did see the freezing one on the shelf when I was looking for a way to get rid of it. Maybe I will try that. Thanks.
I wouldn't do the OTC freezing. I personally (as a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner think it is mostly worthless) And freezing does usually hurt. Some home remedies: Duct tape- leave it on for 6 days take it off, leave off over night and reapply x 6 days, off over night, repeat. This suffocates the wart, plus pulling the duct tape off irritates it and helps the immune system recognize. You can file it down with a pumice stone. I have also read reports of taping a banana peel soft side to the wart over night helping (this has no science behind it) Also there are some painless ways that we use to get rid of them in the office. Good luck!

Thank you Catherine, I will will try the duct tape for now. It is definitely cheaper and it seems like a good thing to try before going in to get it taken especially since the dr. said it will go away eventually. I have 5 other children and I don't want it to spread either.
My DD has these on her feet and we've tried everything. She goes to the doctor soon to get them frozen. The OTC freezing didn't do a thing for them. And they're caused by a virus and will spread if you're not careful.
Go to, put in planters warts removal & a huge list comes up. Castoil mixed with baking soda is an old remedy. It should be on that google list.. Anyway, they are nasty & do come back, I am always getting them.
I used to be a bank teller and would get warts on my fingers frequently. I also had plantars warts at one time. I have always successfully used Compound-W with duct tape over it. Soak the warts first, put Compound-W on and let it dry, then cover with duct tape. Each day when you see it loosening and turning white, trim the dead skin off of it with a cuticle cutter or nail clippers. Just make sure you don't cut down to the raw skin and then apply the medicine as it STINGS. Just gently trim the loose skin a bit. If you follow this routine twice a day, they should be gone within a week or so (depending on how large/deep they are). THE IMPORTANT TRICK is to make sure you keep doing this until they not only disappear, but until the little black "seed" looking thing in each one comes out. If you don't, they will keep coming back, TRUST ME.

>The "seeds" are actually little blood vessels (capillaries)
>that supply the wart.

That explains why mine bled when, as a child of around 8 or 9, I plucked mine out using a needle and a pair of tweezers--lol! I worked at it for a long time but it didn't hurt too much.

ETA that I've never had another wart.;)
>Quite the little surgeon eh Michelle.
>I would not recommend plucking it out with tweezers or by
>other means LOL. Making them bleed can actually spread the
>virus via the blood stream. Michelle you got lucky girl!!

This was the start of my nursing career:p

I should've added a disclaimer, "Don't try this at home. Medical supervision is recommended". --lol!

If I ever get another wart I promise not to pick it :eek: :7
Just a warning for you. . .It hurts to freeze the warts just as much (if not more) at the doctor's office than it does at home.

My DD had it done at the doctor's and screamed bloody murder. Her pediatrician said she tried to do it to herself once and couldn't hold it longer than 2 seconds (she had to count to 10 with my DD). The good news is the wart went away and hasn't come back. :)

I also tried the OTC wart freezer with my DS two times and both times it ended badly with many tears shed. :-(

We're trying the duct tape now.


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