Plantar faciitis- its back, agggggg


Oh No,

I finally got rid of it in my left foot after 3 years, and 3 weeks ago I felt it flaring in my right foot. I ignored it hoping I was just imagining it but the past 3 mornings I have the tell tale signs of pain, pain, pain while getting out of bed in the morning and stiffness/pain all day. I am SO frustrated since I have 94 more lbs to lose to goal. On the bright side though, when I first got this injury I bought myself a gym quality excercise bike so I could continue cardio so at least I can still do cardio but its just so boring!

I have not re-started weights since I had my baby 9 weeks ago, so I am going to slowly start up weight training again also.

But I want to do step- wahhhhhh!!!!! Hopefully by babying my foot and backing off the step/treadmill this will be a short flare up. I know all the treatments/streching etc. Last time I ingored to pain for 3 months and it took YEARs to get better. Hopefully this will get better in weeks/months instead.

My real world friends have never heard of this injury but I know my cyber buddies here would not only have heard of it, but empathise as well.

I'm just so upset and frustrated.

Oh, Marci......

Yes, yes -- I DO know how you feel! :'( I also have it in my left foot. I've had it for a very long time now, and can't seem to get rid of it, even when I "stay off of it". I hurt so bad in the morning, I can hardly walk, and I have to limp for a bit. It's awful. Lately I'm just "putting up with it". I think you're smart for taking care of your new flare up right away. Hopefully in no time you'll be just fine. :)

RE: Oh, Marci......

It is so funny that you wrote that!!! Tues., I just went to the dr. for this. My foot feels better, but is still a little sore. I have just been concentrating on wieghts this week.
Lori S.
RE: Oh, Marci......

I am having a flare-up of plantar facitis in my right foot this week too. It really is a "pain in the foot."
RE: Oh, Marci......

I've dealt with PF off and on for years. It's cleared up now but a few years ago, it was so bad I had to walk on my toes on my left foot. I got the cortisone shots, went to physical therapy and did the ultrasound treatments. The best thing that helped was stretching. My PT had me stretching my calves practically all the time. Before I got out of bed in the AM, I stretched my calves. Put a towel or belt by your bed and stretch out real good before taking that first step. I really could tell a difference. When I'd feel a twinge coming on during the day, I'd stretch. After a workout, I'd ice my foot. When I'd feel twinges coming up on my other foot, I'd start the stretches and icing and it never got as bad as my left foot. I try to keep stretched out more now so I don't have a recurrence. Good luck.

Hi Marci!

Been there too. Luckily, once I got mine healed, it never came back for me. When I had it, it seemed like nothing worked until I started stretching my achilles tendon by hanging my foot off the end of a step, fireplace hearth, step-up to our jacuzzi or whatever was around when I would think of it (Which, I know you think of it ALL DAY LONG!) I did this 4-5 times a day. No static bouncing~just hang the heel lower then the step and hold for 10-15 seconds. Do both feet, then go back and do it again for a total of 3-4 times. Not sure if it was coincidence, but once I started doing this, it went away! :7 Good Luck & keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Marci,
Heel pads that I put in my shoes (you can switch them from shoe to shoe)have really helped me. You can find them at just about any drug store or like Walmart stores. Also, buying really good shoes with good soles (good cushion) have also helped. I hope this helps.

RE: Hi Marci!

I am doing 4 weeks of physical therapy for PF right now and wearing my orthotics religiously. Neither my podatrist nor my Physical Therapist told me that I could not work out. I laid off for weeks and it didn't improve the condition so I do as much as I can bear. In particular, strength training and yoga. I insert cardio on the "good" days. The ultra sound and one other, very similar, treatment work great so for two days after a PT session I am invincible! I have also been rolling a tennis ball under my arch, picking up marbles with my toes and in the evening rolling a frozen water bottle under my arch. I need to improve the strength of my calves. The last visit I had with my podiatrist he taped my foot in the most amazing way. The PT removed the taping for my therapy and was I bummed. It really supported my foot and reduced the morning pain alot. I am going to find out more about taping at my next visit to the podiatrist and I'll let you know when I do. Hang in there and do what you can! Hang in there and try not to be too discouraged!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
As a fellow sufferer I empathize. Everyone above has given good advice--in fact I am going to keep a strap by my bed--never thought of that, as well as trying the marbles. My orthotics have helped alot,but I am sooo tired of wearing sensible shoes all the time. And when I rebound alot I find that my feet ache and tingle during the night, in spite of everything. I am going to try the strap stretching before I go to beg and when I wake up to see if that helps.

Thanks everyone from me also for all the suggestions.

Hi everyone!
I am having a problem with PF as we speak. During the day, around the house it hurts if I go barefoot. The minute I put on my Birkenstocks the pain is lessened.
I am going to try the tennis ball idea and the frozen water idea-I have tried neither. I am stretching and like most of you sound some days are better than others.
Take care!
Peace, Ann

yes, I have had trouble with this. What I did was:

--stayed away from step (also my fave) for 4-6 weeks
--got out and power-walked in some new running shoes
--I was able to do kick boxing so I varied my cardio
--swimming would be ideal for you

I got new aerobic sneakers, the Ryka cirrus and bought a Spenco support liner to go inside it. The liner was around 30 bucks, but well worth it, it gives my arches the support they need and after 6 weeks, I could do step again.

--I did extra stretches for the achilles, lower and upper calf, because these do tighten with age

Hope some of these might work for you


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