If I figured this out right, I believe there is corework/plankwork (yes, I think it's a word!!!) in 3 of the workouts. The workouts that include corework are:
S&H-Chest, Back & ABS.(this tape also includes the Superman which is great for the core too).
I hope I got all this right. The remaining workouts are:
S&H-Bis, Tris & Abs
These workouts contain your traditional AB work. The write-up on "AB Hits" says that it contains 7 workouts but I only count 6??? Hope this helps a little. Gotta love that corework, even though it kills! :7
OOOHHHH, MMMMYYYY!!!! Looks like I'm gonna have to propel myself into the 21st century with the rest of you guys and get myself a little ole DVD player for Christmas!!!!!
Can I wait??? VHS now and DVD then????? Oh, what shall I do with DH's money?????
Trust me, DVD's are worth the wait. Sometimes it is hard when you know the VHS people have the new tapes ahead of you, but we DVD'ers know we're not far behind. You won't have trouble selling yor tapes should you decide you just CANNOT wait!!! Merry Christmas to you!