Hi Norma, I don't know of any bigger pain in the butt than sciatic pain!!!! Active release is such a vigorous and aggressive therapy that it's not altogether surprising that it 'gets worse before it gets better' I've seen people in clinic with open sores and abrasions from ART and sometimes wonder where the line is betwees tissue 'challenge' and 'damage'. Postural re-alignment can really help with piriformis syndrome especially if you are an over pronator. Hyperpronation tends to increase internal rotation and adduction of the thigh during walking, overworking the piriformis as it tries to controll the excessive rotation. Do your arches collapse causing your foot to roll in towards the big to? Correcting this with things like orthotics and 'towel scrunching' exercises to strengthen the arches of the foot can really help. I know it's very tedious for some but piriformis stretches held long (1 minute or more) and relaxed like 'pigeon pose' (Cathe uses this stretch in KPC and a few other workouts) can really help open up the hip and groin and lengthen the piriformis.
Take Care