Pink Ribbon/Sponsor?



Hi! Could someone explain the Pink Ribbon/Sponsor graphic that is now part of the Forum messages? I mean, I know it represents support for Breast Cancer research- but why are they all of sudden here, and why do they sometimes appear in the middle of messages?


not on mine???

Clare, could it still be a problem with your browser of something. Or maybe I missed them and they are here.

Maybe it is the same deal as when you got the survivor screen mixed in with the VF screen???

Were you at the Race for a Cure website today?

Not here...

It's not showing up in my browser. Maybe Nancy's right -- maybe it's something hanging around from another website or something you downloaded earlier?

Clare, are you seeing little green men, too?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's Day 5 on the sofa, my knee may be leaking synovial fluid, so they've told me to immobilize it. I'm now watching "The Parent Trap" on Disney and feeling pretty bored. Have you rebooted your computer?
Gosh, you all must be right!

I was at a Race for the Cure website! Man, I never knew your browser could mess up like this!

Here I thought Cathe had become a special sponser or something.

I really need to finish my work and re-boot this sucker!

Thanks all,


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