

Can anyone help me with some info on Pilates? What does it try to accomplish, and how can it be incorporated with Cathe's tapes? Any good tapes to recommend? I've been a devoted Catheite for a while, but lately I'm feeling very tight, stiff, and heavy. I've tried extra stretching, which helps, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't be cross-training with different types of exercise more. I also tend to build muscle easily in the lower body and store extra fat here. Will Pilates help?
Hi Lynda,

I started doing Pilates before I was introduced to Cathe, and I find that incorporating Pilates with Cathe workouts keeps me flexible and helps with post-workout soreness, too. I especially try to do a Pilates session right after a workout like Power Hour or MIS (a quick session or a longer one, depending on my time and how I feel). I confess that I also do this because I want to avoid bulky thighs (I was blessed/cursed with very muscular legs), and Pilates works to elongate muscles, so I find that it's a good balance to strength/weight training.

You probably won't build muscle with Pilates, but you will keep them flexible and lengthened if you do it regularly. Pilates are also great for your abs, too, because the focus is always using your core or "powerhouse" in almost all of the movements. I'd definitely try it out! I started with Winsor Pilates and have also been using Stott Matwork and Pilates for Abs w/ Keli Roberts.

Hope this helps!
Sarah :)
Hi Lynda,

Pilates focuses on core (torso) strength, muscle balance & overall flexibility, but can also include resistance work for the legs & arms. The emphasis is on quality not quantity. It's generally non-cardio (though there are some Pilates inspired cardio videos) so you won't burn a lot of calories.

The leg work varies widely, but generally there's some isolation work that really hits the hamstrings, adductors & abductors. The premise is that most people's quads are much stronger than the other leg muscles. I have strong legs but I feel the burn when doing pilates leg work because it's so focused. Unlike gym style weight work, my legs are still strong for serious cardio work.

I can also tell you that I'm glad that I've done a lot of Cathe strength workouts when we're doing planks & pushups in Pilates! Most of the class are on their knees or in child's pose by the time the instructor is done with us & I can hang with her.

There are LOTS of video choices & you'll just have to find a personality that you like. I like Stott but many find her too dry. Ana Caban is popular, but I don't think her workout flows. There's a lot of pilates inspired workouts too that stray quite a ways from Joseph Pilates work. Do a search here for past recommendations. Also check at Video Fitness for ideas, there are a lot more Pilates people over there.


Just wanted to say that I do Winsor Pilates and incorporate it into my rotations. It totally eliminated my upper back pain. It is only 20 minutes so it is no problem! I also love the Bun & Thigh and Advanced Body Slimming Winsor workouts.

Danielle :7

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