Pilates DVD's


Just curious if anyone has any Pilates videos that you would highly recommend. I thought about purchasing the Winsor Pilates Maximum Burn Super Sculpting and Body Slimming. Any suggestions? Thanks!
The Winsor Pilates Super Sclupting Maximum Burn 50 minute workout is the absolute BEST! I've been doing this one for about 6 weeks now and I'm hooked and have seen great results.
Is that your review about Super Sculpting Maxixmum Burn over at Colage Video? I just went to check it out after reading your thread here.
Have you tried the Power Sculpting with Resistance (Winsor)? It was disappointg. Is the super sculpt really effective? My body and mind a break from endless lunges and squats.
Judy, are you talking about the new 48 minute power sculpt advanced?. May I ask what you don't like about it?, I have that one on the way to me along with the one Dani purchased. I also ordered the power sculpt for buns and thighs part of that set too. I sure hope I like it. I guess I will have to wait and see. I would love to hear some feed back from you, thank you. I sure hope I am not disappointed too.

Debbie:) :) :)

Have a great day.

Yes, I am referring to the Power Sculpt Advanced w/ Resistance. It didn't feel challenging to me. The teaser is of course a good core challenge, but other than that it was not advanced in my opinion. I certainly don't feel that my body would improve from it.

I feel more of a challenge from Karen Voights Yoga and Sculpting DVD.

My primary exercise tendencies are towards Cathe workouts and rotations involving Cathe, treadmill, and biking(indoor) and power walking outdoor. Pilates and yoga and more stretching are some workouts I thought I might learn to improve my flexability and aim towards more long and lean muscles.

Perhaps there are other Pilates workouts to try. Dani's mention above seems interesting. It doesn't appear to require a resistance band.
Thanks Judy,

I am glad you found a pilates you like better. No the one Dani mentioned doesn't require a resistant band. Thanks for responding. I am excited to give the new winsor a try. I too love Cathe's work outs and other kick box instructors, and love to walk outside also, wish it would stop raining today, LOL. I will have to check out Karen Voights dvd sometime you mentioned. I am just trying to focus on adding in pilates several times a week.

Thanks and have a good day.

> Is that your review about Super Sculpting Maxixmum Burn over
>at Colage Video? I just went to check it out after reading
>your thread here.
>Have you tried the Power Sculpting with Resistance (Winsor)?
>It was disappointg. Is the super sculpt really effective? My
>body and mind a break from endless lunges and squats.

Yes, that was my review. I have tried the Advanced Power Sculpting (just yesterday) and the Super Sculpting Maximum Burn (50 minute) is a lot more challenging. I'm having the best results ever!

I'm thinking I didn't have the right resistance band for the Power Sculpting one. I'm going to try and buy a heavier resistance band from power-systems.com.
Thanks Dani for your response to my post about the Winsor Maximum Burn 50 minute workout. I'm glad to hear you really like it and that you have seen great results with it. I'm going to try this one! Thanks again :D
I did for the first time this morning.

This workout was not easy:7 . I actually broke out in a sweat:7 .

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