Pilates Ab Workouts?


Hi All,
I really like the plank work that Cathe does on the CTX Kickbox and Power Circuit workouts. I can really feel my abs working whilst I'm doing the movements and the next day my abs are pleasantly sore in a way that traditional abs does not leave them.
Much as I really like the CTX segments, for the sake of variety, I'd really like to invest in other abs/pilates workouts with have the same sort of exercises/work the abs in the same way.
I have all of Cathe's workouts, as well as Keli Roberts "Abs & More", but just find that they don't challenge my abs in the same way as those CTX segments.
Can anyone recommend other workouts which fit my needs? I'd prefer something which breaks into segments so that I could tack it onto the end of other workouts, although I'm not averse to trying something longer at the weekend.
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Good question! I'm interested in what others have to say here too--all the Pilates tapes I have are too long to tack on to another video and contain no planks.
Karen Voight's Yoga Sculpt has great plank work in it. The tape is 45 minutes, but it's split up into two workouts, with the second 20 minute workout devoted to plank work.
Thanks LaurenH,
Is the video actually called Yoga Sculpt? I will pop over to VF Forum and see if there are any reviews. If you have the time, would you be kind enough to give me a more detailed breakdown of the exercises?
Many thanks,

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I'm Lauren's sister and will answer for her since I happen to be online right now, yes the tape is called Yoga Sculpt, and I second the recommendation! :)
Hardcore Abs and Back with Keli Roberts is another good one. It's in the Bodybar Master Your Body series. It uses the 2 ft., 4 lb. bodybar, but that isn't strictly necessary. It's 30 minutes, but could be split up into 15 minute segments, IMHO. Good luck!

i have the Denise Austin pilates workout.THat is split into 2 20min. segments...i can always feel it in my abs after doing it.

This is a good tape. At first I was turned off because of Karen Voight's skinny, muscular body and non-soothing voice. But once you get over that, it's a tough tape. I suggest splitting it in 2 if you're doing it after a workout because it works your muscles well and you'll get tired and lose form.

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