For me it's burpees. But I also dread because I have a hard time doing them is straddle taps on the step and power turning squats on the step. I just can't get my footing right to do them. So I just do them on the floor without the step.
It took me forever to do straddle taps on the step. I'm just not coordinated. I do them but not smoothly. I can do the power turning squat on the step but I would never make a Cathe video audition
Back when there was team sport and actually PE in school. I was the uncoordinated kid last picked for teams. There were always us 2 -me the underweight uncoordinated kid and the overweight kid.
The uncoordinated kid still in me feels like such an athlete doing cathe workouts but seriously I still can't play ball worth a damn. LOL. My boys remember when they were younger me trying to play catch, basketball, baseball and it was never pretty. They no don't throw anything to me I will not ketch it. I still want to cover my face when a object is being thrown. I know totally sad