Pictures of members

It is not everyone's avatars. I believe it happens when the owner of the avatar is using a MSN profile to provide her/his picture.

The screen will freeze on a post without an avatar, the MSN communities login window comes up, if you cancel the "pop up" then you get an avatar box with the "X" suggesting a broken link on that post.

When you are using a popup blocking browser you get just the box with the "X"

Oh, OK. I do see plenty of people with the red x's in them & always wondered why they didn't fix it.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Unfortunately, I don't think all the people who NEED to see this message (like "toastythemosty" or something like that) are going to. Maybe mentioning this to them directly will solve the problem faster.

Your quote from Cybil Sheppard is sooooooooo totally funny...I almost fell off my couch reading it. I had to tell my husband! He laughed too! By the way, what does DH mean? I don't really know shorthand computer language real well. I can usually figure them out, but this one?????????

By the way, what does DH mean? I
>don't really know shorthand computer language real well.

DH = Dear husband
DD = Dear daughter
DS = Dear son
OK,I deleted my picture from MSN, but how do I publish a picture now? Is there another publishing service to use? Thanks. Phyllis

Never mind, I figured it out using picturetrail.

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