Pictures of Katie

Wow - Alli - Katie's all grown up! I still remember you being pregnant with her and giving me advice about TTC. Now my little boy's a month old - amazing. Katie's beautiful - those eyes!

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik

She is just tooooo cute!!!!! Thanks for sharing these pictures. It has been a long time since I checked in on this forum, but I have not forgotten you. In May/June 2001 I was hospitalized due to premature rupture of the membrances at 28 weeks and ended up having my little guy at 31 weeks...anyway, I remember some of your encouraging and supportive posts that you sent to me. In fact, I went back and printed all the posts from everyone and put them into Kyle's scrapbook...Kyle is now 18 months old and is doing wonderful! He is not yet walking but does do a lot of cruising and he is getting physical therapy which is really helping him to progress...he is so much fun and I am so blessed because he is healthy and such a happy baby, too!

Did I read that you ended up on bed rest before Katie was born? I can't believe she is already 9 months old--I remember reading your posts with notation about the "soon to be mom..."

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and tell you how pleased I am to see that your little one is doing so terriffic. I truly appreciated the posts you sent me back in 2001...happy new year to you and your family. We certainly are blessed!!!


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