Pictures from my trip to Alaska


Well, it's past 1 a.m. and I can't sleep. I just got back from Alaska Saturday after midnight. I fell asleep finally at 3:30 a.m. and slept in until 11:30 a.m. I go back to school on Tuesday so I'm sure I will be a mess as I adjust to the time change. Anyway, we went to visit my brother and his wife and had a wonderful time. Here are a few photo's:
My hubby and I right before our boat ride:

Hubby and I on the boat:

Hubby and I with a moose:

My brother's wife and I on the lakehouse property. This was our last day there and the lake was beginning to thaw. It was extremely windy:

As beautiful as it was now, I can only imagine how glorious it must look in the summer.
Those are great pictures. It looks like you two had a great time :). Alaska is beautiful all year round. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. What part of Alaska did you go to?

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
It was our best trip ever not couting our honeymoon 7 years ago to Maine. We flew into Anchorage, stayed at a picturesque cabin in Palmer Saturday through Tuesday. We drove to Seward on Tuesday and stayed at the home of a friend of my brother's...again the most unbelievable view. We ate breakfast,the very best breakfast I ever had, in Seward, both mornings we were there...we went to this little train car. My brother knows the chef and it was to die for...he smokes everything! We took a boat ride Wedesday and went to the marine life center Thursday before driving back to Palmer. I regret that I didn't get a trash can lid or some kind of sled and go for it on some mountain hill. I've never seen so much snow in all my life and it was starting to melt! Then we drove back to Palmer Thursday and flew back home on Saturday. Saturday night when we flew into Anchorage we were driving from Anchorage to Palmer and I looked up in the sky and noticed these colorful forms changing shape. It was the northern lights and they put on a show all the way to the cabin! It was totally awesome! Then, the our first morning we wake up and we're eating breakfast and this mother moose and her baby walk right across the outside of the porch and looked right in at us. They hung out for several hours, napping in the yard. At that time we didn't have our camera ready so no pictures and where they stopped to nap was too far away for a good picture and I wasn't going out to get one. The cabin overlooked a frozen lake and mountains. It had huge windows and was just the most beautiful setting I had ever been in. My sleep schedule is WAY off. I finally fell asleep some time after 2:00 a.m. and I made myself get up at 8 so hopefully I will be exhausted tonight. I go back to school tomorrow and need to get up early!
Well, it felt really cold to me. The lows the first night were in the teens but it was actually not too bad. Some days it got to the upper 40's. It was cold on the water though! When I came back home it was actually warmer in Alaska then it was here! It was in the 20's the night we arrived back home!
The pictures are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you had a great vacation.
I live in Anchorage and Alaska is beautiful! It looks like you spent some time in Seward or Whittier? Anyway, if you have the opportunity to visit in the summer, it is INCREDIBLE!!

WOW! Alaska is on my top 5 places to visit before I die, and I am so jealous!!! It looks like it was such an amazing time :)

>I live in Anchorage and Alaska is beautiful! It looks like
>you spent some time in Seward or Whittier? Anyway, if you
>have the opportunity to visit in the summer, it is

Yes, we drove to Seward on Tuesday (from Palmer) and came back to Palmer on Thursday. We took the boat ride in Seward. Seward was a neat, little town. Do the winters get long to you or do you just love it? We spoke with people who seemed to love it, even the long winters.

Seward is a nice place and we usually drive down a few times every summer. In general, the winters don't bother me as I grew up on Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and to be honest, the winters in Anchorage are normally milder. THIS past winter, however, took a toll on most people! We got more snow than normal and had several very cold snaps that just wouldn't let up. I found myself starting to wonder why I live here :-( , but now that spring is getting here (still snow on the ground but it was 40 degrees on my way to work this morning!) I'm starting to remember why I love it. It will be green and beautiful again soon :)


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